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Jake's POV
I hadn't seen Kathy since she went to had a shower. I'd heard her though. I heard her shouting at Enoch and then sobbing in her room. I knew she wanted her space. I felt so sorry for Kathy. Then I thought of Enoch. The poor boy, being told lies, believing them, then losing the girl of his dreams. I've seen the way he looks at her, he thought he was being discrete but everything dinner he sits in silence and watches her. It was weird to see Enoch actually warm to someone. Kathy and Enoch. Two people who were made for each other but to scared to make a move in fear of hurting the other. Tragic. I had to do something.

Time skip to the morning

We all knew there was no hope of getting Kathy and Enoch out of their rooms. As I was friendly with Kathy and apparently Enoch now I was asked to bring then their Breakfasts. I made Kathy's first. Id picked up that she was a picky eatter. She's only ate the whites of a fried egg. I made sure to cut the yolk out to save her doing it. Her breakfast consisted of egg whites and toast.

I walked up to her room and knock on her door. Silence. I knocked again and said "it's only me, Jake,". I heard her walk over to the door, she unlocked it and opened it slightly just to make sure it was only me. When she saw just me she opened it just wide enough for me to squeeze through. She closed the door then slumped back onto her bed.

"I brought you breakfast," I said positively, hoping it would rub off on her. She took it from my hands. I looked at her face. She looked terrible. Her eyes were red, bloodshot and puff. She looked pale but she had dark rings around her eyes. Her hair was scruffy but it looked fine. She had definatly had a rough night.

"This is probably a stupid question, but how are you?" I asked. I couldn't suddenly talk about Enoch to her, I'd have to build up to it. "I've been better I guess," she said trying to seem fine but she really wasn't. "You can tell me to leave whenever you want but we need to fix this," I told her. She looked down at her food and shrugged. "Would you forgive Enoch?" I asked her. She sat there in silence. Then a tear rolled down her check. "...Yes..." she said quietly. "I know what he said to you and what Olive said is not true. I've got a feeling Enoch knows Olive was lying now." She looked up at me. "Really?" She asked nervously.
"Yes, if you think about it why would someone who was just annoyed cry and lock themselves away? He cares about you. He's hurt. He's hurt himself and you doing this." I explained. She started to weep. I went over and gave her a hug. "Everything will work out trust me. If I talked to Enoch and he wanted to talk to you, would you want to?" I asked her. "..Yes, definatly" she said without hesitation. She stopped crying and asked me to leave. I got up and walked out.

I saw Olive going towards Enoch's room with what I guessed was his breakfast. "What do you think your doing? There is no way I am letting you near Enoch or Kathy," I told her sternly. "Trust me, Enoch will want to see me. I was the one who told him what a bitch Kathy is,". That was it. No one talks about Kathy like that infront of me! I stormed up to her, I grabbed the plate of food from her to save it from the floor and slapped her across the face. "You need to sort yourself out!" I hissed at her. She ran off to sulk. She is just plain nasty when it comes to Kathy. I needed to calm down before I went to see Enoch. I knew I'd get buckets full of abuse from him.

I stood outside his door and took a deep breath. I knocked. Nothing. I knocked again. Nothing again. This time I knocked harder. "What the bloody hell do you want!?" Enoch yelled. "I need to talk to you and I've got you breakfast," I said calmly.
"Oh fuck off Jake. You want to tell me all about you snogging Kathy don't you!" He yelled back.
"No that never even happened. Just let me in, I want to help you,"
"Yeah definatly!" He said sarcastically.
"JUST GIVE ME A FUCKING CHANCE!" I yelled at him. I was sick of Enoch already but I had to do the for Kathy. For them.

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