The Beach

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I woke up at 6.50am. I put my bikini under my clothes, it was red and lacey. I went downstairs and helped prepare breakfast with Emma and Jake. I made the toast and some fried eggs. We all brought it into the dining room when everyone arrived. They all looked happy and well rested except Enoch. He looked terrible. He had dark rings around his eyes which were puffy. I think he'd been crying last night. What had happened to make him like this?

I sat down next to him. I didnt say anything. We all started to eat our Breakfasts. I was too worried and anxious to eat much. Had I upset Enoch? Is he ok? What should I do? I had to ask him, I couldn't go all through today worrying like this. "Hey, are you ok?" I asked him softly. "Im fine, stop asking me," He replied sounding annoyed. "You're obviously not, please tell me what's going on," I asked him. He shot me a toxic look, stood up and shouted at me, "YOU KNOW EXACTLY WHAT'S GOING ON!" He walked out of the room and stomped up the stairs.

Even though I was hurt, he was really attractive when he was like that. I felt like no matter what he did I would always come back to him. "ENOCH O'CONNOR!" Miss Peregeine shouted after him. No reply except a slammed door. I was so confused. What had I done? "Kathy once you have done your chores please come and see me in my office," Miss Peregrine asked me. I nodded.

We ate the rest of our breakfast in silence. Everyone was either thinking about me or looking at me. I knew they were. Everyone got up and left. Me and Jake cleared up from breakfast and did our chores together in silence except from when Jake tried to reassure me that Enoch would stop being mood soon. I beated out the rugs and headed to Miss Peregrine's office.

I knocked on her door. "Please come in," she answered. I sat down where I sat before. "So what happened at breakfast?" She questioned me.
"To be honest I don't really know. Since last night Enoch hasn't spoken to me and hasn't been himself towards me, or anyone in fact. He's stayed in his room and he look exhausted. I asked him how he was and then he shouted at me," I explained. "Have you done anything?" She asked. "No, I didn't say anything. I've been trying to think of something but I can't think of anything." I replied.
"Do you want me to talk to him?"
"No, please don't. I'd like to sort this out myself," I answered. I didnt want Miss Peregrine getting involved and making Enoch more annoyed. "Thank you for you time, you may go and help make your lunches now." She dismissed me and I walked to the kitchen.

Time Skip
They're at the beach. Emma's swimming and Jake and Kathy are on the beach.

Jake's POV
I feel conflicted inside. Part of me wants Emma again the other wants Kathy's. Deep down I feel like me and Kathy won't work. She's too different to me. She just like Enoch. I know we won't work but I don't want to admit it to myself.

I look over at Kathy. She seems deep in thought. She's not herself today. I think she's worrying about Enoch. I have no idea what's got into him recently. I wish I knew. I was still jealous of Enoch because I could tell Kathy liked him, but I wouldn't be selfish.

"You don't look like you're feeling to good. What's up?" I asked her.
"Not much."
"Is it Enoch?" She looked at me. I knew whatever has happened between them was having a bad effect on her. "He's probably just having a bad mood. He was like this when you arrived, remeber,"
"No. It's different. When I arrived her could actually look at me and talk to me." She protested.
"It'll pass. It's just a matter of time," I said trying to reassure her.

She laid down on her back and so did I. "Can I trust you?" She asked me.
"Yeah definatly, you can tell me anything." I said. I won't let how I feel towards her get in the way of our friendship. "Im gonna be honest with you. I like Enoch and since I've arrived I've felt...different. I've felt something new. Something I've never experienced. I really like Enoch. I wouldn't say I love him yet. I just don't know what to do. I can't commit to someone who will randomly act up and hate me. I need stability. I can't make up my mind what to do. Do I back off or keep trying? I sometimes he acts like he hates me and others he acts like he really likes me. I'm just confused." She explained. My heart sunk. She doesn't like me. Then I decided what I was going to do, I will do whatever it takes to make Kathy happy. I replied to her with "Trust me when I say this, you are the only person me and Emma have ever seen that has given Enoch a proper chance and got through to him. You two are so similar and you are perfect from each other. I've never me two people who were as made for each other than you two. This is just a blip. You will get over this."

She looked so happy. She gave me a hug and told me "Thank you so so much,"

Kathy's POV
Jake maybe a hopeless romantic but he was an amazing friend. I needed to hear what he said so much. Know thinking back me and Enoch are so similar. Then I remebered what I promised Emma. This was the perfect time to talk about it.

"I want to get this straight so it doesn't lead to any misunderstandings. You are an amazing friend and I'm so thankful I have you but I think we should just be friends" I told him. He looked upset but he took it alot better than I excepted. "It's ok. I was coming to that conclusions anyway. We are just too different. I do want to tell you are beautiful though," He told me. He was so kind. "Thank you" I said with a warm smile.

"Anyway I think I know someone who does like you," I told teasingly. His face rose. He was a teenage boy, what was I to excepted. "Who?" He said eagerly. "Emma!"

Jake's POV
Oh. My. God. Emma likes me. I've always had a thing for her but when Kathy arrived I liked her but it was only skin deep. Nothing serious. But with Emma she was beautiful and I lived her personality. She was cheerful, warm hearted, kind and caring. She was amazing. Now I know she likes me back I knew I could have some fun flirting with her. I didnt want to rush into anything serious.

"Last one in the water has to carry the stuff back!" I yelled. Ah shit Kathy was fast. Faster than me. Probably thanks to her long legs. "Loser! You're almost as bad at running as you are at flirting!" I shouted.
"Alright Enoch,"
"I sounded like Enoch then didn't I?"
"Yep!" Jake and Emma laughed.

We swam and splashed around in the water and then we had our lunch. I decided to give Emma and Jake some space so I went for a swim. I got glimpses of them laughing and looking at each other. I wished me and Enoch could be like that. Just because I'd got through to him, which I thought I had, didn't mean he liked me. He hardly knew me. He didn't know my past. Anyone could hate me when they really knew me.

We all came a shore and packed up our stuff. As Jake had lost the bet he had to carry all of the stuff back. Me and Emma felt bad so we both carried a bit. We got back to the house. Everyone was in the garden except Enoch, surprise surprise. He was probably in his room. Me and Emma had showers. I went upstairs. I decided to shave my legs aswell. I put back on my clothes and tied up my wet hair. I came out of the bathroom and I was stopped dead in my tracks.

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