Settling in

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(This is a very short chapter it's just so you get a feel for how Kathy gets along with everyone so far (: )

Everyday things seemed to get better here. Me, Jake and Enoch have spent almost everyday together. I could tell Enoch wasn't keen and Jake and visa versa but they didn't complain. Me and Enoch always make sarcastic comments to Jake, it was really funny to see him get annoyed but we made sure we weren't too harsh. For instance we when we made breakfast one morning together Jake dropped an egg and it smashed on the floor. Almost instant Enoch said "I bet you were imagining that egg was Kathy and you dropped it because you were thinking of smashing her on the floor!" I full on ugly laughed and snorted. I'll never got over Enoch's humor and wit. I guess that's why we get along so well, because I think our humor very similar.

I felt that with time I'd slowly become friendly with people. I was very slowly at making friends with people, that was except for Enoch and Jake. Hopefully Emma and Olive would realise that I'm not trying to steal Enoch and Jake from them. Well in would love to date Enoch but he'd never date me.

Since I'd arrived my mind was alot clear than before I had had hardly any flashbacks. I was hoping it wasn't a hood pack and I was slowly moving on. But on the other hand even hell can get comfy once you've settled in.

Little Monster~Enoch O'connorWhere stories live. Discover now