New Friendship

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I always woke up around 7am so breakfast being early wasn't a problem. I put on my burgundy jumper and black dungarees, did mt hair and laced up my boots. I was completely ready 7.10am. I made sure I looked happy so no one would bother me. Today seemed to be going, well I've only been awake for around 10 minutes but does that really matter?

I opened my door, Jake's was open so I guess he was already down stairs and Enoch's was slightly open and I could hear his heavy breathing. I couldn't resist not to having a peak around the door. Remebering how how much he hated people in his room I didn't go in.

I saw him sound asleep in his bed. He looked so cute and peaceful, his curly hair was messy. How can someone be so cute sleeping but so unaware of it? Realising he would be late for breakfast I decided to call out his name to wake him. "Enoch! You need to wake up Breakfasts in a few minutes" I called out softly.

Enoch's POV
"Enoch! You need to wake up Breakfasts in a few minutes" called out a calming voice. I opened my eyes and sat up. She looked so pretty today. We made eye contact then I suddenly realised I had slept shirtless last night, I pulled my duvet to cover myself, I started to blush.

Kathy's POV
Holy shit, Enoch's body looked amazing. He wasn't just skin, bones and muscle but he wasn't fat at all, he was perfect? He had a toned stomach, broad shoulders and muscular arms. "Um..tell Miss Peregrine I had a headache last night so I over slept" He replied still half asleep. "Ok I'll see you at breakfast," I said then walked on down to breakfast. I told Miss Pregeine why Enoch would be late and sat down where I sat for dinner. It was no surprise but Olive and Emma were glaring at me.

Enoch's POV
Shit I can't believe she saw me with no shirt on, she definatly doesn't fancy me now. There was definatly something wrong, like a part of her was missing. I could see it in her eyes. I remeber someone had once told me that the eyes are the window to the soul and mind. Then I remebered why I was up so late last night. I was thinking about Kathy. How she made me feel something. It wasn't much but it was the best I had felt in years. I decided not to lie to myself about how I felt towards her, but I would keep it to myself. She would never like me, even if I was the last boy alive. I play with the dead. Out if all the things, I had to be a dead-riser. I'm a freak, a monster. I'm not cute or attractive.

She probably likes Jake anyway. She was talking to him for all of dinner yesterday. Jake's from her time, is peculiarity is actually useful and he's alot more attractive than me. Even in he is a hopeless romantic, he's not afraid to make a move on his emotions. I started to feel an anger towards him. A jealousy. I felt like we were in a competition to win Kathy. I won't play by the rules and I won't admit I'm in it.

I put on some clothes and got ready. I rushed down stairs. Nobody greeted me except Miss Peregrine, who asked if I was ok, Olive who gave me a huge smile which I ignored and Kathy who gave me a sweet smile, I could see it was forced. I noticed the little dimples in her checks when she smiled. I sat down and Olive tried to make a conversation with me but I ignored her. I'm sick to death of that girl, she won't leave me alone. It's obvious she likes me but I'm so embarrassed about it. I can't tell her that I don't because it would hurt her too much. I'd just have to put up with it.

We all finished eatting. "Everyone can go now but can Jake, Kathy and Enoch say behind" Miss Peregrine said.

Kathy's POV
Ah shit is this about yesterday? At least we have all made up. Everyone left and we were left. "So after yesterday's incident I've decided that you three should decorate Kathy's room. It's will be good for you lot to work together on something. You will start after Lunch at 1.45pm, you can ask Bronwyn to move the furniture," she explained. We all nodded. Miss Peregrine and Jake left. Enoch didn't leave.

Little Monster~Enoch O'connorWhere stories live. Discover now