You're Like Home

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Me and Kathy watched the reset together. She rested her head on my shoulder and I put my arm around her waist. We stood where no one would see us because both of us loved to have privacy. So far we had kept everything between us. I had a feeling she may have told Jake how she felt, I can't lie I'm gald she might of because he'd back off her. I think she needed someone to talk to. I no longer felt any jealousy towards Jake. I knew he was happy with Emma.

I decided to tease Kathy again, so I squeeze just above her hips were most people are ticklish. She squirmed and squealed when I did it, and then laughed. She playfully hit him me on the arm to get back at me. Before I could get her back we had to go back inside. We walk in together like always.

"Where's Jake and Emma?" Kathy asked me. "I don't know. I wonder what they were doing, probably having fun," I replied, smiling at her.
"Probably, let's hope they don't get too frisky because I don't want another memeber of the house,"
We both laughed. I always loved her laugh. It wasn't pathetic but it wasn't too strong. I found it adorable and I loved to make her laugh.

We hugged and said good night. I loved her smell, it was sweet but not sickly. It was like grass and flowers. It sounded weird but I loved it. I held her close to me, but I made sure that it could have still been a hug between friend. I went to have a shower, the upstairs one was free so I went in there. I undressed and got into the shower. I prefered cold showers, living for over a hundred years made you feel more dead than alive so I liked it. The icy water poured down my back and thought my hair. It made me shiver but I liked it.

I always got lost in thought when I had a shower. Since I'd meet Kathy I'd always though of her. I couldn't wait until I could hold her close and stay by her side. I wanted to spend days on end with her, just enjoying each others company. There was other things I wanted to do, but I felt wrong letting myself think about that without being in a serious relationship with her. I had developed an undeniable lust for her. I wanted to love her so passionately. I wanted to dominate her. I always pushed those thoughts as I felt gulity. I can't lie, I'd woken up in the middle of the night with an erection from dreams about her. They were full of lust and the filled me will a craving for her and her body. I guess it's what you get as a guy. I couldn't imagine what would happen if I'd had a dream like that when she was sleeping in my bed.

I stepped out the shower and wraped a towel around my waist. I looked at myself in the mirror. I was still puzzled about what Kathy saw in my. She definatly liked me and thought I was attractive. I wasn't that fit, I wasn't hot, I wasn't handsome. I don't have any good facial features. My hair was always a mess from the stupid waves in it. I guess I was kind of fit. I wasn't fat. I had muscular arms and a sort of toned stomach. I wonder what Kathy thought of herself. She can't think herself as ugly. I couldn't think of any faults. She was stunning. Her soft, blonde hair was always perfect. Her blue eyes were mysterious and like deep oceans. She had a perfect body. She had an hourglass shape that I couldn't resist. Her breast were not too big or too small. I felt gulity thinking about her in that way but I couldn't stop myself.

I got dressed and walked back to my room. I want tired in the slightest so I decided to work on my homunculi, until I felt tired.

Kathy's POV
I surrounded by darkness under my duvet. I couldn't sleep yet again. I couldn't control my mind, it wondered to all sorts of dark places I didn't want to go to. I wasn't scared or angry or upset. I felt lonely and sad. I need to talk to someone. Someone I trusted. I needed to talk to Enoch. My mind craved his being. I longed to hear his Scottish accent and feel his dark curls. Everything about him was irresistible.

I made my mind up to go and see if he was awake. If he was I'd ask if we can talk. I hope I didn't come across as needy or clingy. Or worse a stalker. I hoped he didn't think that about me. I got out of my bed, the cool air nipped and my bare arms, legs and face. I started to shiver. I crept out of my room and to Enoch's door. I didnt know whether I should knock as if he was asleep it might wake him. I didnt knock and I slowly opened his door. He wasn't in his bed, I looked across and saw him hunched over his desk.

Little Monster~Enoch O'connorWhere stories live. Discover now