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We walked into the grand house. I don't think I'll ever get used to living in such a beautiful place. We took our normal places, I hadn't seen much of Jake so I decided to talk to him. He said I seemed more at ease than normal. Now I thought about it I realised that a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders. I'd never told anyone about my past except Enoch. He was the only person I've ever trusted enough to tell.

When we had all finished eatting me, Jake, Emma and Enoch all went out into the garden. The garden is huge. It didn't exactly have an end, it just ran into empty, untended fields. We found a nice spot to sit. It was a meadow carpeted with dandelions and daisy's. We all layed down in a circle, with our heads near.

"You know, I'm so glad I have you guys as my friends. You're the only people I've ever met in my life that I really get along with. I just wanted to say thank you for giving me a chance," I announced. I was spontaneous like this. I'd suddenly say something meaningful or deep with no warning. "Don't worry about it," Jake said and Emma agreed. "Yeah same, I know I can be a bit of a prick sometimes, especially to you Jake. I'm sorry about that. It is hard when you have to live with loads of people who don't know what privacy is," He explained. "It's fine mate," Jake replied.

We talked for what must be a few hours. It was nice to have a group of people that you can just talk to. Nothing deep and nothing bad. I knew that we were going to be friends for a long time. But I hoped me and Enoch would be more than that. I had no idea if he liked me in that way though. I probably didn't. I wish I knew.

Enoch's POV
I wish Kathy knew how I felt towards her, I thought as I played with the grass by my thighs. I loved being with her so much and everything about her was perfect for me. It was driving me crazy. I knew that at some point I'd had to tell her, but I didn't want to make it awkward between us. I needed to think of a plan. "What about you Enoch?" Jake asked me. I must have zoned out. "Wait what?" I replied sounding confused. "Is there anyone one you want to be in a relationship with or really like?" He asked me. "Er yeah there is actually." I replied. "Wait really?" Emma said sounding surprised. "I didnt think you'd ever find anyone, no offence,"
"Well I guess I have now,"
"Do you like anyone Kathy?" Jake asked. "Yeah, but there's no way I'm saying who." She replied.

Then we hear tiny feet running towards us. "Miss Peregrine wants you back so you're on time for dinner!" Called out Victor. How long have we been out here? We all got up, I offered Kathy my hand to help her get up and she took it. Once she was up she didn't let go of my hand. I didnt want to let go so I did nothing. I enjoyed knowing she must at least like me as a friend. I looked over and her and she looked at me, she smiled at me and I smiled back. She generally looked better. It was probably because she'd told me about her past, it must be a huge weight off her shoulders. I know exactly how she felt before.

We all went to our separate rooms and got ready for dinner. All the girls liked to dress up and wear nice dress. Horace always wore a suit, but when doesn't he? I always loved seeing Kathy dressed up. She always wore something red and it suited her so well. She looks gorgeous, not matter what she wears. I've never seen the point in dressing up, but still I tried to make my hair look so. It's so wavey and curl sometimes, it looks like I've just woken up. I decided to wear some black trousers and a sweater. It's not that different from what I normally wear but I didn't have much else.

Honestly I don't see how anyone could ever find me attractive at all. What is there to like about me? I'm never in a great mood, I'm moody most days, I play with dead things and I don't think I've gone a day without making a sarcastic remark or insult to someone. I'm pale, my hair is always messy, I'm not muscular and I'm just generally ugly. Kathy would never like me, but she's acting like she does.

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