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Enoch's POV
"Enoch?" Kathy called out. She'd looked abosulty gorgeous, I couldn't get her out of my head.
"Yeah?" I replied.
"Im er kind of stuck. The zips got jammed and you're gonna have to try and undo it," she asked me.
"Alright," I called out to her. I got up and walked behind the screen. The zip was jammed just below her bra. This was the most of ever seen of a girls body, pretty bad considering I'd be alive for around 117 years.

"Do you want me to look away?" I asked her, not wanting to disrespect her. "Well if you can undo that with your eyes closed I'd be amazed." She answered sarcastically. I wasn't scared but I was cautious of touching her. I felt her of warm soft skin, her back tensed as my cold fingers touched her. "Bloody hell your cold," she said jokingly. "Yeah sorry about that," I replied feebly. I tugged and pulled at the zip but it would not budge. "I can't move it, it's properly stuck," I told Kathy.
"Looks like you're gonna have to help me get it over your head," she told me. Wait does that mean I'm going to see her in her underwear? I'm not complaining because to be honest I'd love to see that but not if she didn't want me to. "You know I'll see you well you know," I told her.
"Well as long as you don't look when it's off me, I'm fine," she said. I felt kind of happy she felt comfortable around me in that way. She lifted her arms up and I lifted the dress off her. I got a glimpses of her thighs and then I turned away. She thanked me and passed me the dress. I went back and sat on her bed.

Kathy's POV
I loved having a friend like Enoch. Even if we never became a couple, at least I knew we would be close friends. I tried on some more dresses, one of the was way to small and I almost broke it. One fitted perfected which was a black and white spotted dress.

Had about four left when I suggested Enoch started to try some of his on. I tried on a red dress with black detail on it next. I really liked it. "Are you decent?" I asked him.
"Er yeah," He replied. I stepped out from behind the screen. Fucking hell. Enoch was shirtless. I felt myself gently blushing. He pulled the black t-shirt over himself. He turned around and looked confused with the burgundy shirt. "You wear it undone, lots of guys from my time wear it like this," I told him. He put it on. We stood in the mirror next to each other. I must say we both looked really cute with matching outfits. "It looks weird" He said. "I really like it. It's probably a change from your normal grey and black." I told him.
"Trust me you look great" I said making eye contact with him. "We match in this," I told him smiling.
"Oh yeah, you look way better than me though,"
"No you do. You look so good in red, seriously" I insisted. "You have to keep it!"
"If you like I guess so," He said.
"Yessss!" I said in celebration.

I went back behind the screen and picked up the next dress, there was only two dresses left. Oh my God. I was amazing. I loved it. It had a corset style top which has a black and white pattern on. It wasn't a proper corset but it looked smilar to one but it had sleeves and covered up the breast area more. The skirt was black and frilly but it looked so nice. I guess it was short for this ear,  I think Enoch was more excited to what I looked like in it than I was. I slipped it on easily. I tightened the frount and tied it up. It fitted so well and I felt so good in it. I can't lie, I felt pretty hot in it. I asked if Enoch was ready and he said he was.

Enoch's POV
She shyly stepped out from behind the screen. I was speachless. She looked so sexy. She was indescribably attractive, her curves in all the rights places and her hair gently rested on her shoulders. I couldn't help but stare at here.

I had a red and black tartan shirt on. I didnt think it was anything special. It fitted fine and was comfortable. I'd probably keep this as casual wear.

Kathy's POV
I blushed slightly when I saw Enoch staring at me, taking in every inch if my body. He looked so attractive in red. "So, what do you think?" I asked him. He came back to really and said "You look bloody beautiful!" He exclaimed sounding slightly dazed. I blushed and giggled. "Oh god, thank you." I said, I was completely flattered. I walked towards the mirror and looked in it. I could see where Encoh was coming from, it did make me look good. "I don't know why but you look so good in dark red," I told him.
"Thanks, I wouldn't have thought I did." He replied. I noticed after Enoch initial reaction, I noticed he was embarrassed and hesitant to look at me. "By the way for me this skirt length is normal. People in my day wear a lot short things. I'm comfortable in this," I reassured him.
"I don't think Miss Peregrine would like you wearing this, but she doesn't need to know," He teasingly said. I blushed again slightly.
"Well I'm gald you told Horace not to stay, I wouldn't want him to see me in this." I said smirking at him. I might as well hint at the fact I like him, I hope it won't make anything awkward. He was hinting at it aswell, so what harm could be done.
"I wonder why Miss Peregrine has this, it's not like it's normal attire," I said to Enoch.
"Well maybe she has a history we are unaware of," He said cheekily. I giggled, it was weird that she'd have such a revealing dress and that she'd kept it.

"I've only got one thing left, what about you?" Enoch asked me.
"Yeah I've only got one left." I went back behind the screen and picked up the last dress. It was my favourite so far. It was a black silky dress, with a black lace top that spread up to my collar bone and along my arm. After a certain point on my chest the material under the lace finished, just leaving the classy lace to cover my shoulders. It wasn't massively fancy but I loved it, and I hoped Enoch did aswell.

"You good?" I asked him. I was excited to see him in the velvet blazer. "Yeah, I can't believe you've picked this out." He replied.

Enoch's POV
"Why? I really like it," she said as she walked out from behind the screen. She looked like a princess in the dark, flowing lace dress. "You look absolutely amazing in that I said," I said, I tried to hide my amazement.
"Thank you," she blushed. "So do you, I love that blazer. I knew you look marvellous in that," she continued, feeling the material of it. "It's a bit fancy though," I told her. I felt a bit awkward wearing such classy clothing. "Noncence. Look at Horace, he wears a suit daily. Anyway you can keep it for special occasions," she told me trying to persuade me to keep it. If Kathy liked it, I'd keep it. "Fine ok," I replied.

Kathy's POV
Enoch looked so dark and mysterious in the velvet. This is the best he'd ever looked, except from this morning when the sunlight danced across his face. Again we matched on what we wore, if we did become a thing we would have matching outfits. I hated relationship goals and all that shit, but I can't lie this definatly would be goals.

We both smiled at each other. I knew he found me attractive and he knew I found him attractive. Our eyes locked, I got lost in his deep brown eyes which caught in the sunlight giving then a warn hazel glow. He look so handsome. I couldn't resist him any longer. I walked closer to him and he came towards me, still making eye contact. I can't believe this is happening. I felt my heart begin into pound in my chest. My palm got sweaty. I was nervous but excited. We both leaned in and-

*ding ding ding*

We both pulled back immediately, I started to blushed and he avoided looking at me. Fuck that stupid bell. It was extremly awkward, I wanted the ground to swallow me. 

"Is it already lunch?" He said trying to break the tension.
"That went so quick, holy shit," we both walked down to the dinning room in silence. I was too scared and awkward to say anything. We sat down and we're greeted with gasps and whispering. Oh god we were still wearing the fancy clothes. We sat down. I was so embarrassed. "You two look fancy, are you going on a date?" Millard teased us.
"Oh god not this again, we were just trying on some new, well old, clothes. Now next time you speak, think about the what you say. Make it realistic at least. For instance why would I date Enoch?" I replied, not wanting anyone to assume me and Enoch were a think. Enoch just gave Millard a death stare. This obviously scared him so he shut up.
"It's obvious you love him!" Hugh sniggered.
"Yeah and you don't love Fiona!" Enoch spat back at him.
"I do not love Enoch. Anyway we can always tell when you're lying. Your lips are moving!" I sarcastically retaliated.

Miss Peregrine walked in and gave everyone a stern look that said 'you all better stop right now, else there'll be consiquences'. We all stopped talking and looked at her. She sat down and greeted us. She told us to begin our lunch. We all ate quietly, there wasn't much conversation to be made. It was rather awkward between me and Enoch after the children make us those stories about us. Well the weren't completely false but they weren't true either. I really wish they'd leave me and him alone, like they do with Emma and Jake.

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