Opening Up

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I woke up in Enoch's bed. I must of had another nightmare. Enoch had his arms around my waste and chest. I loved moments like this. When you'd woken up in someone's arms and the pressure of reality hasn't hit yet. He was softly snoring. I pulled away so I could look at him. He looked adorable sleeping, he looked so peaceful. I only saw him calm when he was asleep, I wonder what went on in his mind when he was awake. What made him happy? What made him sad? What was he scared of?

Enoch's POV
I slowly slip into reality. I open my eyes and I met Kathy's eyes. They were they were just like before. Something was missing, and I knew what it was. I was thinking about it last night and now I'd seen them again I knew. They were empty. They had no emotion. My heart sunk. I'd been so blind, the girl I was falling in love with was numb? Emotionless?  Like me? Did she know what it felt to long for the feeling to not feel at all because your emotions overwhelmed you? What had made her like this? What had happened to her? What was her past? I knew I needed to help her, I needed to help her cope with her emotions. I thought I'd got through to her, but she had her walls put up. I needed to break them down. I couldn't let her go on like this.

I laid on my back like her. "I want you to know that no matter what it is you can tell me anything. No matter how big or small, you can tell me anything and truth me," I told her.

Kathy's POV
He looked over at me and then I knew I had to tell Enoch my past. I couldn't go on hiding this from him, I trusted him. He needed to know, if not our friendship was only skin deep. "Thank you, the same to you. I am always here for you," I replied. I looked over at the clock, it read 7.10am. "Oh shit we are gonna be late!" I said alarmed. "Oh god we are. I'll see you down at breakfast," He said sounding equally alarmed as me.

I jumped out of his bed and rushed into my room. I picked up my red and black spotty dress and put it on. I brushed my hair, I looked ok I guess. I ran down stairs and almost fell over Enoch on the stairs but he grabbed my waist. "Thanks, that was close," I said. We I laughed and he smiled. We walked down to the dining room and took our seats. We got there just in time.

We all started to eat. I'd eat much or speak. I was preoccupied by worrying about telling Enoch my past. What was he going to think of me? How was he going to react? How would I tell him? I was brought back to reality by Enoch's hand on my knee. "Are you ok?" He asked me quietly.
"Oh yeah, yeah I'm fine," I stuttered.

We finished breakfast and me and Encoh cleared it up. We discussed the next joke we should play on the peculiars next. We decided that we would use some clear nail polish, that I had brought from my old home, and put it on the ends of their pens and pencils so they're useless. Then we split up and finished our own separate chores.

Enoch's POV
I loved being in Kathy's presence. There was something about her that I couldn't get enough of. It was like she'd become part of me. Maybe it was because she was the only person who might understand me. It still got to me that she wasn't ok, I had no idea how I could make her happy.

I finished my chores and I decided to try and find Kathy. I looked in her room, my room, Jake's room, Emma's room and every room downstairs. I couldn't find her. I asked Jake and Emma if I'd seen her, they said they hadn't. I suddenly remebered that she loved to go in the garden because it was so peaceful and pretty, so I decided to see if she was there.

I stepped outside, to be honest I didnt really go in the garden. I started to walk around and ask whoever I saw if they'd seen her. Everyone said they hadn't until I came across Hugh and Fiona sat under a tree together. "Have you seen Kathy?" I asked them. "I think she went that way towards the rose bushes," Fiona said. I nodded.
"Why? Are you going to confess your love for her?" Hugh teased.
"No, I don't love her. You better watch what you sat!" I threatened. He looked sight scared.

Little Monster~Enoch O'connorWhere stories live. Discover now