Wedding Dresses

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Annabeth's POV

"How about this one?" Piper asked, holding up a wedding dress with tons of diamonds.

"Nah, too shiny." I said. Piper sighed.

"Annabeth, you don't like any of these dresses! You haven't even tried one on!" Piper said in exasperation. I sighed.

"Sorry Piper! You know me, I am not much of a fan of shopping." Suddenly one of Piper's siblings came over and whispered in Piper's ear. Piper smiled.

"Come on Annabeth, I have a surprise for you!" Piper shrieked. Piper grabbed my hand and led me into a room.

"Ok Annabeth, close your eyes, and no peeking!" She said.

"Piper, I wouldn't waste your time. You know how I don't like shoppi-" I was interrupted by Thalia.

"Annabeth! Sorry I'm late, I ran into a few telekhines on the way here." She said. I smiled.

"No problem Thalia! So glad you could make it, even though I have no interest in wedding dresses."

"Oh Annabeth, stop your complaining. The surprise is almost ready! We had it custom made just for you with a little help from my mother and yours." Piper said excitedly.

"My mom helped make it?" I said, surprised.

"Yes! Now you can open your eyes. It's ready!" I opened my eyes. Standing before me on a pedestal was the most beautiful dress I have ever seen. It was a simple dress that was tight on the model but not too tight. It had what Piper called a sweetheart neckline, and it was strapless. But that wasn't the best part about it. Silver owls were etched onto the bodice and moved like holograms whenever you moved your head. It looked like my mother (with a little help from Aphrodite) had worked together to attach weavings of silver owls onto the dress.

"So," Hazel prompted. "What do you think?" I walked forward and placed my hand on the dress. The material was soft like a blanket.

"I love it," I said softly. "It's perfect." Piper grinned.

"See? I knew you would like it. Now come on, let's go try it on." Piper said.


After struggling to get in and out of the wedding dress without crinkling or damaging it, we paid for it. The dress fit me perfectly, as expected since it was made by Athena and Aphrodite. My only worry was the cleavage, but Piper said there was barely any and I had nothing to worry about. We began to head back to the house.

"Now don't tell the boys about the dress! You know they will probably tell Percy!" I reminded them.

"I can't even tell Nico?" Hazel pleaded.

"Nope. He'll probably tell one of the boys." I said firmly.

"Okay." Hazel agreed.

"So," Piper said. "When do we go shopping for bridesmaid dresses?" I sighed.

"Might as well get it over with, so tomorrow." I said. Piper and Hazel grinned.

"Don't worry Annabeth," Hazel spoke. "We have another fun surprise waiting just around the corner."

What do you think about Annabeth's Wedding dress? It took me a while to think about what type of dress she would like. Anyway, thanks for SO many reads! Just reached 125!


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