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Annabeth's POV

I dreamed of spiders on roller skates and Nico wearing neon pink shoes, and some other things that made as much sense as gum balls coming down from the sky, which I also dreamed of. My mind wandered aimlessly. However, I heard voices from time to time, and every few hours a hand would come and hold mine.

"Will she be okay?" A voice slurred. I couldn't make out who it was, my mind was too jumbled.

"I'm not sure, we don't even know if this has something to do with the baby."

"Can't you bring Apollo in or something?"

"Percy, the gods are busy. They do not care much for mortal affairs."

"But.... We saved the world. Annabeth and I. They should do something!" I had the briefest vision of a tap-dancing Mrs. O'Leary.

"We will just have to wait it out and see."

"Can we not do anything?"

"Not yet. She needs to rest." I heard hooves trot out of the room.

"Annabeth," Someone whispered. "I love you. Please wake up." I wanted to stir, to reassure this person that I was okay, but it seemed like my body didn't want to. My legs made no attempt to move, even though I willed them to help me get up.

"Hello?" Another voice said.

"Phoebe," The person said, their voice cracking. "You've got to help. She's been out for a week." A week? My brain finally began to work properly, recognizing that a week was much too long to be out for. It's time to wake up. My mind told itself. My body began to respond this time, my arms shifting and my breathing becoming faster. My eyes fluttered open, and I was overwhelmed by the light. Percy and Phoebe stood before me.

"What- What happened?" I asked, my voice creaking with soreness.

"Annabeth!" Percy pulled my face onto his, syncing my lips with his. Phoebe coughed awkwardly in the background. Percy pulled back.

"You need to lie back down." She told me.

"Okay." I croaked, sitting back down on the bed.

"You were just- overwhelmed, I guess. We're not really sure. Just to be safe, you're going to have to stay at your house and take a break. You can go out, but for short periods of time. It just so happens that Hazel is also quarantined, so you two can spend some time together. Percy has also been allowed to take some time off so he can take care of you." She told us.

"Why is Hazel quarantined?" I asked.

"She-er- passed out too." Percy explained. My eyebrows furrowed.

"At the same time?" I questioned. Percy nodded.

"It'll be us four at the house during the day for the next few weeks."

"Okay." I said drowsily.

"I would take Annabeth back to your house and have her lie down for a while." Phoebe advised and then walked out of the room.

"It's good to have you back wise girl." He told me.

"I was only out for a week."

"It seemed like eternity." I raised my eyebrows.

"Oh really?" I questioned.

"Oh... Right. I guess I now know how it felt."

"Except you were gone for months, not days."


"We should get back to the house," I told him. "And I can walk."

"Oh no you can't!" Percy teased, pulling me up into his arms.

"Percy!" I flailed around, trying to break free of his grip. No such luck. Percy grinned.

"Excited to spend the next few weeks with me?" Percy asked.

"Not if you keep on carrying me everywhere!" I argued.

"Oh, just give up already. Plus, it's fun holding you in my arms."

"Can we just go home?" I asked.

"On my way." Percy responded, opening the door while carrying me outside.

I have no idea where I am going with this.


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