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Annabeth's POV

"Campers!" Chiron called over the voices. Everyone silenced. "We have some announcements." I put my head on Percy's shoulder.

"Chariot races?" Clarisse said excitedly.

"No," Chiron said. "something even more important."

"Hunters are visiting?" Someone guessed.

"Are we finally installing hair dryers in the bathrooms?" Drew asked.

"No," Chiron told them. "Will everyone please stop guessing!" Everyone grew quiet.

"Are you ready?" Percy whispered to me. I nodded.

"Well," Chiron began. "We have a pregnant camper, or counselor I should say." He told the group. There was a moment of silence, then everyone started to buzz with excitement.

"My money's on Piper." Connor said.

"Wrong," Argued Travis. "I think it's Hazel." The flames around the campfire danced up, appearing to touch the sky.

"Campers!" Chiron yelled over the noise. "I will tell you s'all you need to know if you just be quiet!" Chiron's voice was drowned out by the noise and energy of the campers. He looked to Piper expectantly.

"Be quiet!" She yelled over the group, pouring power into her words. "You will sit down and listen to what Chiron has to say." Everyone obeyed.

"Thank you." He nodded thankfully to Piper. "Now, the camper who is pregnant is Annabeth." Everyone stared at me, mouths open.

"Well?" Clarisse intervened, breaking the silence that had settled over the crowd. "Is it a boy or girl?"

"Twins," Percy explained. "One boy, one girl." Smiles erupted on the campers faces. The flames of the campfire danced even higher.

"I can teach the girl how to garden!" Kate Gardener told me.

"And we'll have to teach the boy all our tricks." Connor and Travis Stoll said.

"Another Jackson to push around?" Clarisse said, cracking her knuckles. "Not bad, not bad." The Ares cabin nodded in agreement.

"We can give them makeovers!" The Aphrodite cabin squealed.

"I hope the kids will be smart!" One of Annabeth's siblings chimed in.

"That's... Lovely." I said sheepishly, overwhelmed. I didn't know why, but my thoughts were beginning to spin and my vision began to blur. Percy put his arm around me and smiled.

"When is the baby due?"

"Will you be fat soon?"

"Are you craving anything?"

"What are the names going to be?" Everyone peppered me with questions.

"I-I think I need to lie down." I said, taking a seat back down on the bench. Percy frowned.

"Are you ok?" He asked.

"Yes, just... I don't know, tired and confused and my head hurts and-"

"Come on," He interrupted. "Let's go back to the house." Percy lifted me up and started sprinting toward the house, ignoring the protests from behind us.

"Percy," I said drowsily. "I'm fine." Then I blacked out.

Ooh, suspense! Sorry I haven't updated in days, just busy with school finals and stuff. Plus I'm a professional procrastinator.


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