The Invention

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Percy's POV

"So, I'm waiting for my applause!" Leo joked, flashing a grin.

"Maybe you should tell us why you dragged us here and then we can applaud you?" said Frank.

"Okay, fine. So you know how you're always complaining about how hard it is to contact other demigods and whining about not being able to go on the internet?" Leo said, raising an eyebrow.

"Not really, but go on." said Jason.

"Ta-da!" Leo exclaimed, pulling a tiny metal square out of his pocket and showing it to us.

"It's a...?" Hazel asked, clearly confused. Leo rolled his eyes.

"A chip that all you have to do is insert it into any electronic in the place of a battery, and it will block any radio waves from every monster!" Leo explained.

"Cool! Hey, do you think I can get service in the underworld?" I asked excitedly. Annabeth laughed and elbowed me playfully.

"I think you'll have to ask the Doctor for that." she laughed.

"What?" I asked.

"Never mind." Annabeth said, closing the subject.

"Leo, how did you make these? This is amazing!" asked Piper in awe.

"I just plated the memory and data chip in celestial bronze and connected it to the big house's new wifi network so the signal just goes back to camp instead of to monsters." Leo said. Everyone stared at him.

"What you just said made no sense." Frank said. Everyone but Annabeth nodded in agreement.

"Oh, uh... I just made it so monsters couldn't receive the signal." said Leo slowly, like he was trying to speak English to someone that only knew French. Lots of 'Ah's and 'Oh's rang around in the group.

"Can we take one?" asked the campers. Leo nodded and extended his arms.

"Now can I have my applause?" asked Leo, grinning. We applauded him. I picked up a phone, turning it over in my palm.

"Grab one Annabeth, then give me your number. We can text each other all day!" I said excitedly. She rolled her eyes, but did what I said. All the campers began to catch on and grab a phone, buzzing about and sharing their numbers with their friends. I went around getting everyone's contacts, while Annabeth modified and worked on her phone. When I gave her a puzzled look she said,

"I'm just changing the home screen, adding apps, giving it commands, putting in abbreviations, language, text size, invert colors. You know, the usual." She explained nonchalantly, like she had spent her whole life with that phone.

"Oh," I said. "That's nice." Leo interrupted our conversation by asking,

"So," he said grinning and pulling us into a mini-football huddle. "How do you like the phones?"


It's been forever since I updated! I'm lazy. Sorry. Really great quality in a author, right?


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