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Percy's POV

Being a god was taking some getting used to. The kids at camp treated us differently, like I might blast them to pieces if they angered me. Which, of course, I could but I wouldn't do that. However, the teleportation thing was really cool. I wanted to go see my mom? Done. I wanted to go visit Mount Olympus? Done. I could also eat as much Ambrosia and Nectar as I wanted without having my insides burn up like a wildfire.

"Percy?" Annabeth asked, opening the door. I sat up straight in my bed.

"Yeah?" I asked.

"Being a god is weird." she said. I nodded.

"Definitely. It's given me a lot to think about." she sighed.

"I think Leo made the right decision. I want to live forever with you, but I don't want to be a god. People treat me differently. And guess what? Chiron said we're not allowed to play in capture the flag anymore because it's such and advantage to the team we're on!" she said, her gray eyes stormy with thought. "And-" I interrupted her with a kiss, moving my lips with hers, starting to make out. I wrapped my arms around her and pulled her closer to me. I could feel her heartbeat pressed up against mine. Suddenly, Hazel opened the door.

"The babies are here!" She said with a grin or her face. Her cheeks quickly turned bright red when she realized what we were doing. "Oh-uh, I'll leave you to it. Just come up to the nursery when you're ready." Annabeth pulled away, smiling.

"Ready to see our children?" she asked me.


"They're so cute!" said Piper, holding her little girl wrapped in a pink cloth with pink lightning bolts.

"They really are." said Frank, holding up his son that was wrapped in a red cloth embedded with jewels.

"And look at their tiny hands!" said Hazel, playing with the her son's hands.

"Did you know that babies don't have the dexterity to use their thumbs when they're under two years old so they're just as smart as dogs?" Annabeth told us. I rolled my eyes playfully.

"Annabeth, of course we didn't know that. Where did you learn that anyway?" Annabeth cradled our children. Charlie was wrapped in a blue cloth with tiny owls printed all over, while Silena was in a purple blanket covered in waves and seashells.

"Well, I had to do my research on babies before I had them, didn't I?" I smiled and put my arm around her.

"Of course you did." said Leo, who just entered the room with Calypso. They were holding hands, which was funny to see because Calypso was about two inches taller than Leo.

"How are the children?" Calypso asked Annabeth, smiling. Annabeth held out Charlie for Calypso to see. Calypso took Charlie and cradled him.

"Fantastic! I was so afraid when the babies disappeared, but guess what? Now all of them are immortal!" Annabeth said perkily. Calypso almost dropped Charlie.

"Immortal?!"Calypso said, bewildered.

"Yeah. Oh and I'm kind of immortal too now, by the way." Leo explained.

"So are all of you immortal now?" asked Calypso.

"Well, Leo chose to be immortal but the rest of us became gods." Jason told her. Calypso frowned, then smiled.

"Oh, I see I get it now." she said.

"Okay," I said. "What I still don't know is why Leo didn't want to become a god." Everyone turned toward Leo, waiting for an answer.

***************************************** Here's the update I promised! Hope you like it!


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