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Percy's POV

Long ago, I was offered the reward of becoming a god, but things got in the way. I had to help the minor gods and goddesses and I didn't want to leave Annabeth. However, I now had no promises to keep and Annabeth could be at my side.

"So... We're going to be gods?" I asked, dumbfounded. Zeus nodded.

"But what are we going to be the gods of?" asked Frank. Ares stood from his throne, morphing into Mars as he walked.

"Frank Zhang, you will be the god of leadership, for when the time was ripe you took charge!" Mars shouted in his best drill-sargent voice. Frank turned a brilliant gold light. When the light was gone, Frank stood there, looking the same but different at the same time. He looked like he was born to lead, and any directions from him would be the right ones. Zeus turned to Hazel. This time, Hades stood, morphing into Pluto.

"Hazel Levesque, you will be the goddess of bravery, for when you had to die to help the world you bravely gave your life." said Pluto. Hazel glowed the same gold light. When I looked at her again, she stood taller, like she was ready to face an enemy, no matter how great and go down fighting. In other words, she looked brave. Then Zeus turned to Jason. Zeus walked forward, changing to Jupiter.

"Jason Grace, you will be the god of duty, for when you had a duty to perform, you didn't think of consequence or death, just what you must do." Again, Jason glowed the gold light. When the light died away, he had a determined look as if he would perform his task correctly, or die trying. Now, Aphrodite stood up and dabbed at her lip gloss before saying:

"Piper McLean, you will be the goddess of courage, for when you had to stand up to Khione you showed courage even to the face of a powerful goddess." Piper glowed another golden light. I looked at her again. She had almost the same expression as Hazel, but she looked more cunning, with a sly smile that could make any burglar confess. She looked ready to take anyone on. This time, my dad stood up. he smiled at me, his sea-green eyes shining with pride and said:

"Percy Jackson, you will be the god of loyalty, for when you faced tough decisions you stuck with what was right." My vision began to glow, the room illuminating in a shower of beautiful golden light. I felt stronger, like I could lift a mountain. My allies lives' came before mine, and I was ready to defend them even if it meant my destruction. I was a god. Athena stood up. I looked over at Annabeth and nodded reassuringly. She smiled back at me.

"Annabeth Chase, you will be the goddess of strength, for when Percy left you you stayed strong." Annabeth glowed, but this time I could see her changing into her true form. She didn't have any muscle or anything, but her face looked like she wasn't going down without a fight. After the glowing stopped, she looked at me and smiled, grabbing for my hand. I held it. Hephaestus stood up.

"Wait!" Leo shouted, putting his hands up. "Um, do you mind if I not become a god? Just, you know, be immortal without any of the cool powers and stuff?" Zeus looked troubled, but he nodded.

"An odd request, but sure," Zeus snapped his fingers and nothing happened. "Done."

"Uh, thanks." Leo said.

"And now," shouted Zeus, standing up. "You are immortals!" Thunder and lightning cracked and boomed around the palace.

"Uh, that's great and all, but where are my children?" Annabeth challenged, putting her hand on her hip and staring Zeus straight in the eye. I was about to warn her, when Zeus surprised me. He laughed a big, booming laugh.

"Very good, Annabeth Chase!" He said. "Perhaps you will make a very good strength goddess after all!"

What do you think? I don't mind criticism as long as it's polite!


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