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Is that her? Daniel thought to himself, craning his neck to get a better view.

"Who?" Victor's voice penetrated his thoughts.

"What?" Daniel asked, his eyes still looking in the other direction. He didn't realise he'd been thinking out loud.

"You just asked if that's her and I'm asking you who you're talking about."

"Oh. Right . . . yeah."

It had to be her.

He watched as she walked into one of the high street shops and just then, caught a glimpse of her front view.

Suspicions confirmed.  She was the one. He made a mental note to keep one eye out, so as not to lose sight of her.

"Yeah? So? Go on. Who are you on about?" Victor prodded.

Daniel relayed the events of that night at the pub to Victor. "I swear, she's been on my mind ever since then." He concluded.

"You love them feisty, uh?" Victor teased.

"Nah . . . man! I don't think she's always that way, she was just in a bad mood that night, I guess, and she took it out on me." Daniel spoke in her defense.

"So, you're certain she broke up with that guy, her boyfriend?"

"Yeah. I mean, I didn't catch in on the conversation, but I'm pretty sure that's what happened. And it really spoilt her mood."

Victor nodded slowly. "Well . . . are you gonna go talk to her?"

Daniel looked at his friend, as if waiting for his blessing. "You reckon I should?"

Victor raised his eyebrows, giving his friend a look. "What do you think mate? Don't you want to talk to her?"

"Yeah. I . . ."

"Look, where is she? Go to her. You'll talk to her and if she spits on your face and tells you to fuck off. Then you'll know for real if she's actually a feisty one."

Daniel chuckled, but prayed that that wouldn't be the case. What an embarrassment that would be! "I hope that doesn't happen."

"Don't worry, I got your back if it does." Victor admitted.

"Yeah? And how is that?"

"I'll make sure I get it on camera, so I can play it over and over again and taunt you with it for the rest of your life."

"You're an idiot."

"Well, I'm learning from you." They both laughed.

"Look," Victor announced. "I'll leave you to it. I've got to pick something up for my Mandy anyway. So I'll see you later, yeah?"

"Okay. My love to . . . Wait! Look! There she is. The one with the flora dress." Daniel exclaimed, covertly moving his head towards her direction, rather than point with his fingers.

"Damn Daniel! You've got good eyes bruv!" Victor professed.

Daniel smiled proudly "I know right."

"Well you better go before you lose her. See you later man."

"See you later."

Victor walked away the opposite direction, not before turning around to give his friend a good luck wink.

Daniel's relationship with Victor had certainly blossomed over the past months. There had been times when he was sure he wouldn't have been able to cope all on his own in this strange land, but Victor had come to his rescue.  Victor's presence in his life was one of the reasons he'd enjoyed his time in the UK. The support and guidance he'd received from him was next to none. Victor had been of great moral support, giving Daniel advice, academically and career wise too. He was a friend indeed.

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