Introduction. (Part 1)

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Author's message:
This is my first story here.. I'm nervous and really hope you like it. Kindly let me know if you find something wrong or want it to be different. You can talk to me by commenting, you can ask me anything. I'd love to respond and maybe share stuff. Love you!

A tale confusing beyond words yet utterly lesson giving.
Teaching us what we think isn't always what's supposed to happen, what we see isn't always whats there, what we hear aren't always lies but words said rather to save the loved ones.
What we think isn't always that happens and what we conclude isn't always right, what we assume isn't what we should. We realize our mistakes very late but our life and eventually this story teaches us how its never too late and whats meant to be would happen no matter how, when and where.

It shows us how beautiful it is to have your love of life with you but how much better it feels to see them happy.
Even if you have to be away for it to happen. Even if you have to stay quiet for it.

Love isn't something that makes you selfish. In fact, true love makes you selfless to the point that can prove to be harmful. But nothing can be done. Nothing.

They were also gifted or perhaps cursed with a love of that kind.
True love.

It all started so unknowingly and simply that nobody thought it was even there. Not even themselves.
She wanted it more than anything and  he wanted to give what she needed -love. But just a little problem; they didn't know it or weren't brave enough to accept it.

Minor gestures, habits of a particular someone can be dangerous for your heart, secretly turning your heart into an addict. An addict of nothing big but the very small things that only that one person can do, unintentionally.

He experienced the same damned addiction and he'd swear he had never been more thankful.

It started with, as said earlier, something very simple. A day out with his big brother or as known by people -his band member, Park Jimin.

Jungkook needed a break from his busy schedule. Most of his hyungs were busy, so he decided to go outside and play some video games at his favorite place with Jimin. Both of them are really close. Though Jimin doesn't know much about games yet still he went with him to give him company.
Jungkook, as usual, was winning in every game. Getting bored, he paused and sat down saying,
"I always beat you. Hyung, I've been teaching you the tricks for so long. When will you learn to play?"
Jimin was about to answer when a girl standing next to her two other friends said,
"When will you start to stop showing off?" She looked really confident and kind of annoyed by the way jungkook was talking to the elder boy.

At this not-so-sweet comment from a third person, Jungkook was obviously displeased and quickly responded,
"If 'showing off ' is what you think I was doing, I won't stop. I'm good and I know I am." He expected her to just go away but damn JK you thought.

"If you're so good, prove it." -she said while pointing at the game and stepping forward with a smirk on her face.

Jungkook accepted the challenge and it began. They became busy playing and Jimin sat their quietly looking at what childish thing was going on there. Her friends stood there in awkward silence, hoping she would win because they knew what kind of a person she was.

If she didn't win, she would demand to play another game and play until she finally won.

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