Sides. (Part 10)

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Jungkook discussed, more like forced Taehyung to listen to him. He told him how that girl had met him again and had indirectly asked him to spend time with her.

"So you're going to go to her house?" Jungkook replied with a 'no.'
"I had an idea you'd say that, but why?"
"I can't, it's my teacher's house too. Don't you think it'd be weird going at her house to waste my time? Besides, I don't know why but it feels like a disrespectful act." Jungkook answered but never stopped rethinking his reason and decision.

Taehyung suggested he should go this one time and ask for her number, then they'd be able to contact each other, make plans and meet outside. Jungkook agreed and on weekend when he was free he went to her house. None of his hyungs had said anything but Jimin, however, sounded very interested. While Jungkook was leaving, Jimin practically ran towards him,
"I don't see any more of her things that you need to return now Jungkook." He was sure JK was headed nowhere but to the same 'umbrella girl's' house. It took him some time but Jungkook understood who he was referring to.

Jungkook had no idea how to even begin explaining why he was headed there. He realized Jimin didn't even know that the umbrella girl was actually his teacher and the girl who had met them in the gaming zone was her friend but it was getting late so,
"Actually, a friend invited me to her house and well, a coincidence; she lives with her so.." he didn't go deep in details and Jimin just nodded pushing him outside with a wide smile on his face.

"Hyung, when I return, remind me that I need to tell you something." Jimin nodded, he thought he already knew what Jungkook was going to tell him or rather he wanted it to be what he think it is.

Jungkook rang the bell and waited for a good 5 minutes outside her house but waiting only felt good because he got enough time to relax his tensed body, he was clearly nervous due to some known and some unknown reasons.

He rang the bell again. The sound, 'Ding Dong' even audible to him then why couldn't anyone else hear it? Finally, someone came to the door and it was Yun, his teacher, exactly what he didn't want to happen.

"Jungkook? Are you okay?" She opened the door and stared at his forehead full of sweat. But at the same time, he looked extremely handsome with hi navy-blue button up shirt, black pants and a black jacket to keep him warm. He didn't say anything, he was too busy following her eyes that ran all over him.

"I mean, you look nervous. Anyway, did you have something to ask related to school?"

"Um, no. I'm good, how are you? And I- well, I was invited by your friend. I thought she told you?" It sounded more like asking. She let him inside and closed the door behind.

"Don't you think it's better to ask who it is before opening the door?" He remembered what she did earlier.

"There's this thing called 'eyehole', Jungkook, don't worry. And she's not the type to inform me about anything, come in." She stepped inside the living room and Jungkook saw EunMi playing video games with volume all the way up.

No wonder doorbell wasn't heard the first time.

Yun went and turned it down to which EunMi whined and demanded to increase it again.

"Your friend is here to meet you, Eun." She informed.

"I never made a friend." She pressed the 'play' button again before rolling her eyes but the curiosity grew when neither Yun moved nor granted her wish. She turned her head to where Yun was looking and saw Jungkook leaning against the door frame.

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