Time's work. (Part 22)

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Peacefully leaning back on the chair and extending one of his legs out, he looked out of the window admiring the beautiful smoky, grey sky. Its not something he gets to do considering his highly busy life but currently his bandmates were caught up in various things in their rooms or on their phones and no one had stopped him when he pushed open the full-sized window and allowed the restless cold and soothing wind to enter their lounge and sneak into the other parts of the house.
The sky was slowly getting conquered by the promising clouds that would free everyone from the never-ending heat of the sun, at least, temporarily and this was so calming already but the very moment the first drop of rain touched the Earth, the typical fragrance of wet soil began rising up and started bringing back memories, in process.
Jungkook remembered that day -the first day and the second then the third and fourth and up to the very last moment, everything repeated like a quick slideshow of small moments in fast forward in his mind, so he wondered if it really has been two years; if it really was that long ago when he last saw her.

When he thinks like this, when his mind shows him everything in crystal clear, it feels like everything happened just yesterday. But soon after; when the ache of living every moment again hits him, suddenly the two years start to seem like twenty and he hates it. Completely hates it.

He wanted the things to be slow, he wanted to give things time and didn't want to rush it. I mean, it was normal. Do you meet people and just go like 'wow! I'm definitely in love, this person here is going to be my date.'? No. You don't, obviously. The moment he met EunMi and the very next day, Yun, he didn't think or decide who he was going to make his girlfriend because that was simply stupid. Who does that? There was a great possibility, both of them would end up being his friends only and it would've been totally normal.
With time, EunMi and Jungkook became good friends and he loved it but now it had been 6 months since he last met her. And Yun? She left and still there was no sign of her coming back.

He got his phone out of his pocket and decided to text EunMi but again there was no reply. When Yun left for Japan, she didn't want to live in that house alone. Besides, the house was Yun's father's anyway and it was against EunMi's rules to live under that roof, so she left as well. Not for Japan but to another city of Korea where her aunt lives. She had been making small visits to spend time with Jungkook and BTS but for how long it could possibly last? Eventually, distances increased, BTS became busier, friendship's charm reduced and she thought it would be better to just end any kind of contact with Jungkook than to forcefully maintain the friendship.

He went to his room and after a few minutes came down with his passport and other such stuff in his pocket and left to meet his 'friend' after asking his hyungs for permission, of course. Booking a ticket, waiting on airport and other things were boring but about four hours later, he was sitting in his car outside the same address to where BTS had once or twice written a letter in hopes of getting a reply from Yun and this was really not boring. Just sitting there in his car while he peeks out at his driver who's currently having a short conversation with, probably, the house's maid, is something not even close to 'boring'. In fact, even traveling alone to another country for the first time didn't feel like what he's feeling right now waiting for the maid or any other person to come back at the door again but before it could happen, his own driver turned around walking towards his car. So many thoughts crossed Jungkook's mind in a millisecond but the moment the other male opened the car's door and asked him to step outside, Jungkook knew the address was right, Yun was most likely at home and no, her mother didn't forbid her from meeting her friends.

Fixing his already perfect coat rather nervously, he stepped closer and closer to the house's door. The door wasn't locked anymore, there was a small slit but he patiently waited and about a minute had passed when the slit grew larger revealing the girl who had opened the door further and suddenly, there was no sign of nervousness, no sign of any emotion but utter stillness in both of their postures. The last movements were probably when their lips became apart on seeing each other. After that, only their eyes shifted from left to right on each other's faces. Jungkook wondered if the driver hadn't mentioned his name and had just used a broader term 'friend' while talking to the maid because Yun looked nothing like she was expecting Jungkook there, outside her house, after a long time of seeing him leave for a 'day out' with everyone but her.

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