Restless. (Part 23)

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That day, Yun was traveling to Korea. Within next 15 minutes, if everything remained safe and sound, the plane was going to land. Her short journey wasn't filled with any negative thoughts, by the way. In fact, she felt utter happiness and butterflies in her stomach due to various reasons.

The plane landed and it had been five minutes, she was finding herself a cab but just then her eyes stopped on a small and adorable man with a white board in his hands. Of course, someone had sent his driver to pick, 'Soo Yun Saem'. This little detail about the girl, Soo Yun, in the last part had made her giggle.


She went up to the man and bowed before claiming to be the mentioned person. He led her to a car whose windows matched its black color and when he went to put her bag in the luggage compartment, for a moment, she thought she shouldn't be going with a stranger like that but then the car's door in front of which she was standing, opened and from inside peeked Jungkook. He must've seen her tensed face, he gave her a smile and gestured for her to enter and sit with him.

"Hey, how are you?" She closed the door and turned to him.
"Good, was your flight good?" He raised his brows, the smile never leaving his face.
"Yes, it was. But you didn't have to come."
"I had to, I was the one who wanted you to come so why not?" She lightly nodded and decided not to argue with him. By then, the driver had done his work outside, so he came back, sat inside before starting the engine and began driving off to the location Jungkook had already given to him. He had expected Yun to give the same worried and confused look from before but she didn't bother asking him where he was taking her. Either she thought it was too obvious or she trusted him, highly.

"Did you bring the keys of your house with you?" He asked after while.
"I did, yes."

A couple of minutes passed in silence but then a question popped up in her mind.
"Umm Jungkook?" He moved his eyes from his cell-phone towards her.
"Its still a lot of time before the party, right?" Jungkook noticed Yun had started using the word, 'right' at the end of her sentences a lot lately. Before leaving for Japan, she had transferred her habit of saying, 'also', all the time, to Jungkook and now he thinks the same thing was going to happen again.

"Yeah, yeah!" He nodded vigorously once he came out of his thoughts.
Her face lightened up somewhat.
"So will it be possible-" He held her wrist rather strongly to make her stop and quickly spoke up interrupting her words,
"Of course! You'll have plenty of time to get ready, don't worry saem." Her body tensed up and she looked strangely at him for a moment before moving her eyes in a direction away from him. Once, she got her hand freed, she tucked a strand of hair behind her ear and pressed her lips together before starting to look at the buildings running outside in the opposite direction.
The rest of the ride, needless to say, was awfully quiet.

They arrived outside her house. "You can go unlock it while I bring your bag."
"Thank you."
She got out of the car and walked towards the gate. Due to some reason, she wanted to wait for him, so she turned around to see Jungkook taking the luggage out himself which she, at first, thought was strange but then she understood that maybe he was always like that. Maybe his never-ending energy combined with his manners and respect for elders was the reason he did everything himself instead of asking the people who were literally hired just to work for him.

It took two minutes and a dash of anxiety for her to finally find the keys which she turned in the lock, hesitantly.
"You're still here?" Jungkook asked standing next to her. She simply shrugged as a response and pushed the door open. They both stepped inside, their shoes making prints on the dirty, leaf-layered floor of the garage.

She unlocked the door and entered the living room. Maybe, outside the occasional wind and rain had washed away some of the dirt but inside, everything was coated with a thick layer of dust. Every single corner where her eyes went, it showed that his father had not sent a single person out of his hundreds of servants there, even once, to clean the place.

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