Real Maths. (Part 9)

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"OMG! I did it! I'm actually understanding Maths now."  These words came out of Han's mouth, he sounded really cheerful, as if he wasn't just acting anymore, he was actually enjoying doing Maths.
"Yes Haneul, you did it. See? It wasn't that difficult. " Yun smiled at him and his happiness became eternal. Maybe Yun didn't know but the reason behind his merriment was not Maths anymore. It was her.
"So you're done?" Her friend asked.
"Uh no. We just need 10 more minutes." She moved her face towards both of them, waiting for an answer.
Of course he wasn't going to argue with his teacher. It was likely that her friend will get mad to wait a bit more in that parking lot but she wasn't. She didn't seem to dislike the idea of standing there tiring her legs at all. They simply nodded and Yun brought her focus back at the book again.

He looked back at her, unlike before, she was gazing up at the huge school building.
"You too go to some school?" A rather stupid question but it was just the thought troubling his mind that if she really went to a school like other people of her age, then what was she doing outside his school not in a uniform because if she really had to pick Yun up then teachers stay longer in school anyway, she didn't necessarily needed to skip school.

"Yes, I do. Its only a few blocks away from here, you know?" The need to ask that question became stronger but he ignored that part.

"Maybe I would've known which school you go to, but I don't usually get the time to survey these areas more. Its usually me going to my favorite gaming zone, my Hyungs' favorite restaurants or else its just going somewhere out of this city."
"Out of this city?" She raised her brows but to him, there was nothing unusual in going out so often.
"I mean you don't get the time to roam around this area but you go out of city so casually? Its like maybe you're into traveling, are you?"
"Yes a bit. Even if I wasn't I'd still have to go out."
He thought about all the promotional tours he and his band members had to go on since their band still needed to earn more popularity at that time, many people didn't know about it. And maybe, she didn't as well.

"I'm guessing your brothers probably like to be this way. Because of them, you would've had to go out, right?" She asked and he was pulled out of his thoughts, but since he didn't really listen to what she had said, 'huh?' was all that came out of his mouth.
"Your Hyungs? You just told me about going to their favorite food places and all."
"Umm yeah. You're right actually." He wasn't lying. I mean their manager is older than them meaning he's their Hyung and he mostly controls their trips to different cities or countries anyway.
He knew when he had said "hyungs", he was referring to his band-members but he didn't want her to know about me being in a boyband yet. For some reason, he didn't want to change his image in her mind even the slightest bit. He wanted her to know him and not the famous golden maknae of BTS.

"I think I have a plan." She said with a smile on her face and waited for him to show some interest and so he did.
"Sure! Tell me. Whats the plan about anyway?"

"If you ever get some time free, just let me know. We'll go around various places, places where we could eat, play and just have fun. We would explore this whole city together." Her excitement and happiness didn't let Jungkook deny the offer. Besides, a part of him was sure about the fact that even if he didn't agree, she would've made him do it.
"Yes, that seems really cool." And her eyes lit up some more.
"Or if we don't get to go out, we can play video games at home. Because I know you love gaming and Yuni told me you live somewhere near our house."
Her excitement was now under control and she talked in a normal and quieter tone than before.
"Yun told you that?" After saying this, he realized he had totally ignored every other part of her statement.
"Yes she did."
"I meant I was wondering how she knows, but I think probably I, myself told her some time. Anyway, I'd love to come over and spend time with you! "
He explained and then totally accepted and agreed to her plan.

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