Fears (Part 26)

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"As far as I remember, there wasn't a fridge, here." Yun put her phone on the counter of that place which almost looked like a kitchen due to some of the things she had brought there 2 days before.

"Jungkook must've arranged it because we were going to stay the night." Taehyung, the person she talked to the least, eased her confusion a bit.

Now that she recalls, Jungkook had unlocked the gate before her -meaning he had spare keys.

"And I think there's some food in there, too." He walked away to look into the fridge and yes, there were some bowls full of home-made food. But... they weren't really appealing.

Taehyung turned his head and noticed how funny her face looked. He laughed saying they'll order something and she nodded feeling much relieved.

"But why did you come so late? It's already past midnight and you all will leave in the morning." She took a quick look at her wrist-watch and spoke in a complaining tone.

"No, we got so late on purpose." He brought the phone in front of his face from his ear.
"They aren't picking up." He dialed once again.

"I mean, we're gonna stay the night and also spend the next day with you." He smiled when she happily nodded.

"I thought they delivered food 24/7." He ended the call once again when the computer lady started apologizing to him.

"They do, just wait a little."

"In fact, let's go where everyone else is, we'll ask what they'd prefer and then order, okay?" And with a final 'yeah' from Taehyung, both of them went towards one of the halls. Jungkook had learned his lesson by running around the whole building twice and so everyone had stopped hitting him and they were just sitting, talking when Yun and Taehyung joined them.

After that, they played a lot of games and of course, one of them was 'truth and dare'. They were enjoying themselves in peace until one of them suggested they should watch a horror movie because that was the very reason behind bringing a projector, speakers and a laptop with them.

For that, they shifted from the hall to a much smaller room. Arranging the mats and mattress pads, everyone sat with their backs against one wall while Jungkook and Jimin set everything up for them. Quite obviously, the lights needed to be turned off or the wall would've displayed nothing but blankness.

Apparently, what some of them thought would've been a rather romantic possibility, turned into a horrifying experience because half-way through the movie, Hoseok, Jin and Jungkook swore they had started hearing questionable noises.

There was a great, great possibility those voices were of supernatural species since in that whole building no one was present except those 9 people who sat locked inside a small room. Furthermore, if those noises were distant, then how distant exactly? There was a garden on one side, a parking space on the other, their calculations didn't match up with how close they could sense someone else's presence besides them.

Soon enough after they had done their 'Maths', Jungkook hurriedly got up to shut the laptop harshly, scaring almost everyone else in the process. You see, if the laptop got turned off, so did the movie leaving nothing to be displayed on the wall but a pitch black screen. For only a few seconds, but the entire room got completely dark and quiet. Struggling a bit, Jungkook turned the lights on with the help of Yoongi and by then, everyone's breaths had become heavy and foreheads sweaty. They got up and slowly went out of the room, one by one. Once they reached the ground floor, they decided to sit in one of the bigger rooms and turn every single light on.

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