Pink. (Part 14)

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He entered his house removing his shoes.
Normally, he'd be welcomed by the chattering of his band-members, the blasting sound of music playing in Hoseok's room which would become feeble along its way to JK's ear, the television speaking for no one in particular or simply the occasional warm greetings of some of the band members. Sometimes, he'd also get a chance to see any two or all of the members arguing, fighting and he prayed it stayed this way.

Mostly, it was the sight of his Hyungs on their phones, resting in the living room laying literally anywhere they could.
Whatever it was like, he always had something interesting and different waiting for him at home when he came back from school. But today, today it was oddly quiet and uncomfortable. None of the members were there in the living room or in the kitchen in front of it.
As per routine, the first thing he did was to go in kitchen and grab a bottle of water to quench his thirst. He put the now half empty bottle down on the countertop and went upstairs. On his way, he didn't miss to move his eyes towards the wall clock.

4;48 pm. Hmm.

He went in his room and decided to take a shower.
He stood in front of his bathroom's mirror and started to unbutton his white school uniform shirt. He removed the rest of his clothes, the sound of him unbuckling his belt, unbuttoning and unzipping his pants was clearly audible to him. More audible than usual.
He's alone, remember?
He hung his clothes on the hooks on his left side and turned on the shower afterwards. After a minute or two he took a step forward and stood under it. He ran his fingers through his dark hair so that the water would reach every part of his scalp and make it wet. Within about 3 or 4 minutes, his whole body became fairly wet and water started dripping from him. He closed his eyes and focused on the sound of water hitting his body and falling on the tiles after. He felt the water flow through his hair towards his ears on either side and hit his shoulders. He held his hair again and pulled them backwards making his eyes see the part where the wall and the ceiling met. He closed his eyes again as the water was now falling with great pressure on his forehead and down on his eyelids then going on either side of his nose down his cheeks. On reaching his jawline, half of it dripped down directly on his shoulders while the rest travelled towards neck. From there, it went down sliding over his collarbone towards his chest and lower towards his abs.

Surface tension and gravity, you know?

He stood in the same position, eyes still closed and felt the water taking away the tiredness from him and making him feel better.
A small smile appeared on his lips. However, it didn't last for more than a millisecond. His eyes shot open and face became red due to the unknown and sudden thought that had just struck him. He stood straight and gulped. Quickly shampooed his hair busing himself so that he'd forget about his mistake.
The mistake of thinking about something he shouldn't have thought of.

He stepped out of the bathroom drying his hair with a towel and another one wrapped around his body. He stood in front of the mirror in his room for a second and then went to wear black sweatpants and a simple white tee.
He flopped on his bed and took a deep sigh which echoed in the pin-drop silence that filled his room.

Okay seriously, where is everyone?

He sat up and grabbed his phone which he had thrown on the bed before going to the bathroom. He called Jimin and he said he was out with Taehyung and J-hope shopping while other members had to go and meet their 'other friends'.
He told Jimin that he had to go somewhere around 7 and Jimin said none of the members were returning any time soon and he had to stay alone anyway, so he could go.
More like he should go.

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