Changes. (Part 19)

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Not the last part yet. But not many people care anyway considering the very few responses I receive..
But the ending is close I'm telling you beforehand.

Currently, EunMi and Jungkook were present in the small park in front of Yun's and EunMi's shared house searching for USB drive that EunMi had jokingly thrown from their house's terrace to annoy Jungkook. He had brought it from his house to copy a game from her laptop but he never thought EunMi would do this. It didn't have much data in it but to make EunMi pay, he asked her to search it for him. Eventually, he joined her search party.

And when they found it, well actually Jungkook found it, first he became happy and second he pushed her away when she extended her arm so that Jungkook would hand it over to her.

"Don't even think about it." He hid it behind his back quickly and she chuckled,
"What do you mean? Don't you want that game copied in it?" She raised her brows and made a face showing she was surprised but inside she knew very well why he was being so extra protective over that little USB.

"I'll copy it myself. Stay away from it, devil." He put it in his pocket and she laughed. A laugh that was long lost from her life.
Jungkook wasn't mad, not at all. He was actually enjoying it, too inside. He shook his head and looked up at her.
Her laugh slowly faded away and though her eyes were fixed at him, she seemed to have had lost in some other world.

"Jungkook?" Her lips lightly apart when she spoke after a minute.
He hummed and  her eyes wandered away, thinking how to word the thing she wanted to say.
"You probably already know well but I had built this very strong wall around me long ago.-"  he stared at her blankly for good 90 seconds then said,
"Yeah I know."
"-Anything and everything happening outside doesn't matter and what happens inside simply gets ignored by me." She took a pause and Jungkook didn't really know what to say in response. Sure, they were very good friends and had become undoubtedly very close but right now out of nowhere EunMi had decided to touch a very sensitive topic and he wanted nothing but to stay quiet and let her continue.

"But I've always had those days when I wanted to break that wall or for some time climb over and run far away from it. Not just to live whats outside but to listen to myself also. To feel whatever my body wishes to, to do whatever that comes in my mind.-" she lightly laughed thinking she already does that. She already says or does everything bluntly that comes in her mind.

But what she meant was to not just say and do rude things without giving it a single thought but to feel the happiness around her, to act silly, to let herself laugh loudly and not think she'd look like a teenage girl who's 'way too happy for no reason' , to allow the people;who cross her path on daily basis to befriend her, to believe that smiling doesn't make you look like you're not a tough, strong person anymore or to simply try light-colored clothes sometime.

"-I feel like the wall isn't built just between me and the world but also between me and my own heart."

"But those days, those kind of days come more often now. And I do. I do laugh and smile without hating myself for it, without thinking that my happiness would make me weak. Not completely but I've been changed a lot." She smiled like she was, at last, proud of her curved lips and looked into his eyes,
"And its all because of you."

In the mean while Yun was standing there on the terrace waiting for Jimin to come back from putting the empty mugs of coffee in kitchen that both of them had just finished while standing in the afternoon's fresh air, talking. He was such a gentleman to come along with Jungkook for Yun because he knew he'd get busy with EunMi and Yun wouldn't have much company and he was right because since the moment JK and Jimin have come to her house, JK and EunMi had been busy with each other completely.
Not only that but today he had forced Yun to let him do the honor and make coffee for both of them, so the usual sight of Yun taking the mugs, jar and milk out and doing work wasn't there but she was told to sit on one of the kitchen chairs and talk about what she wanted to while Jimin did the work, and coffee was presented to her like she was a princess or queen.
Yun happily accepted it and both of them silently agreed they'd drink it not in the kitchen but outside in the open air.

Favorite Student ( Jeon Jung kook ) BTSOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora