Saem. (Part6)

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He kept thinking about what just had happened. A normal walk, then sudden hailing, an extremely helpful shelter? And now he was walking back home holding another of her favors.

That time, that time when she came from behind, her face wearing a frown, her worried eyes running all over him, her house's warmth,  the taste of coffee made by her -It all contained bits of care. It seemed as if she knew him. As if she considered him very close to her. But for all we know, she was just kind enough  to treat every person going through a problem like that.

He realized he had just met another girl in the past 2 days and sadly, he didn't know her name as well.
Even though, he knew he wouldn't go back and ask her name yet still he turned his head back towards her just to find her already looking at him. It was weird and he felt nervous. He started taking bigger steps to get out of her sight.

He was busy thinking through so much like what would his hyungs say about it all or how long it had been that he was out of house, that he didn't know the rain had nearly stopped. He was only a few steps away from his house's door when he put the umbrella down to shove his hand in the pants pocket in order to find the keys. The door unlocked and he saw two of his bandmates sleeping on the couch and others busy by themselves. Just then Hoseok saw him and called out his name from the other corner of the room, causing the other members to look at him.

His clothes were still pretty wet. Namjoon came closer and became troubled on seeing him like that. He told him to go and change immediately. He went upstairs in his room, took a warm bath and came down to assure everyone of the fact that he was alright. Jin had contributed in expressing his love and concern by preparing soup for him.
"Are you an idiot? Since you know about the moody weather, you should've taken a raincoat or umbrella with you!" This was just another way of expressing concern, so Jungkook didn't mind it. In fact, found it soothing.

He sat down to eat his bowl of soup, and to tell his band what happened with him. He didn't care about the details, boys rarely do, he just told them a short version of the whole story.
After that, he went back into his room, snuggled into the bed covering himself in blankets which soon became warm and cozy due to his body's heat. He was so comfortable it was hard not to fall asleep. And so he did.

He woke up due to overly heated blankets all around him in the middle of the night. Freed himself from them and started to look for his phone while still laying down. It was placed on the nightstand, he got up a little to reach for his phone and laid back down again. As he unlocked it, its screen lit up and forced him to squeeze his eyes shut. Then he slowly opened them and saw the time. It was 10 pm -not the middle of the night quite much.
He was reminded of the fact that he had to do his mathematics homework. He sighed heavily in disappointment and closed his eyes and threw his phone away on the bed. It was too late to do maths. Plus he couldn't do  anything all by himself or maybe he could.
The mixed thoughts went through his sleepy head and before he could reach a final conclusion, he fell asleep again.

He woke up once again and due to no light coming through his room's window, he thought it was still around 12 so decided to go back to sleep. But didn't feel sleepy at all, he stretched, then moved towards his side to turn the lights on. He checked his phone and it was 4am. Not 12 but still quite early, so he decided he'd try and study for school. He knew he wouldn't be able to complete his maths work but trying wouldn't have hurt. He did 3 exercises and only 2 were left when his alarm went off. It was 6am.
After turning it off he stared down in his lap where a book, calculator, pen and pages were scattered, he sighed and got up.
Washed up, changed, gathered his books and notes and went down for breakfast. Keeping himself from getting fairly late, he left for school.

His friends met him in the hallway and before he could say more than "hello's" and "hi's" , the bell rang.
First lecture? English. Its not that he hated it, but it was just too basic. They studied the same, simple but essential things about English language. He already knew well about them all. One more lecture and then it was Maths class. A person entered the class, not their Maths teacher but someone else.

"Good Morning students! I'd love to introduce you to your new Mathematics teacher. For the rest of the year, she'll be teaching you. I hope and expect you to respect her. If you have any prob- blah blah blah"

Just then a girl, yes a girl, not a woman or a man,  entered the class holding a file against her stomach. Her hair in a high ponytail, a light, baby-blue shirt tucked into her black knee-length skirt and a soft smile across her lips.
When that man continued to talk m pointing at her, everyone came to know she was the new teacher and not another student who everyone was planning to hit on for the past 30 seconds.
Everyone was shocked. Including Jungkook. But the reasons were very different from others'. He couldn't believe the girl standing right there in front of him was the same whom he had met the day before. Seeing her instantly gave him flashbacks of yesterday's morning, that rain and its coldness and he felt goosebumps run across his arms. For a good 3 minutes, he refused to accept that she was their teacher.
How can she teach us? She herself looks like a student. In fact so much younger than most of my classmates.

Nonetheless, his doubts got cleared when he heard the same yesterday's, voice again. Only this time, it didn't tremble so much.

"Good morning students! My name is Soo Yun. Like you already know, I'm your new teacher. If you ever feel any kind of problem, you can share it with me without any hesitation."
She ended her sentence and the students began to ask questions one by one. Well, most of the students just flirted with her, asking irrelevant, stupid things.
To avoid so many questions and flirting, she began to say,
"Since its my first day with you, I'd spend it while knowing you."
The whole class showed joys by making happy but weird noises.
" Now I want everyone to stay quiet. You can only talk to tell me about your name and favorite subject when its your turn. " and she began.
After so many students, finally his turn came too. She looked at him and from her face it was clear that it was the first time she noticed his presence since the time she had come in class. Her fake, professional smile was gone and her eyes were filled with a bit of surprise and maybe a little bit of glee, a weird look of comfort covered her face. But then she blinked and took a sharp breath, her face straightened up before she finally spoke realizing she had been staring at him and causing the other students to get curious.
" So? Wh-Whats your name?" The trembling voice was back.
"Jeon Jungkook, Soo Yun Saem." He saw her face show an expression that felt not so understandable but he made a guess anyway.
It seemed as if she too was shocked when he called her 'saem'
(Its a word used to address the teachers in Korea )
Why would she be? After all she was their teacher from that moment on.


9 a.m.
8th sept '17.

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