Pigments. (Part 13)

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Two days passed in a rather good way, thankfully Jungkook's schedule wasn't really packed, so he didn't face any difficulty in doing his homework. He felt satisfied that he was able to act upon his teacher's advice and give more time to his studies.
Yun was also happy to see that Jungkook obeyed her, which she was already sure of when she talked to him the other morning.

But neither of them knew what the upcoming days were going to bring. The relief and happiness wasn't going to last for more than the above mentioned two days which were already over when Jungkook closed his eyes to go to sleep on Wednesday night.

On Thursday morning, he went to school, attended all his classes on time and didn't fail to bring a smile on Yun's face though it was quite hard considering her health.
Her cold was still accompanying her due to which she looked terrible.
Her eyes defined puffiness, her soft lips had lost their sweet pink color, instead a dark shade of mulberry had invaded them due to all the cuts, probably because of their dryness.  It clearly showed they had been bleeding a lot. Though such a dark color would have complemented her fair skin perfectly, right then it showed nothing but pain.

She wasn't able to speak properly yet still she chose to continue giving lectures. She kept on telling herself that the cold was going to go away in a few days but what she didn't know was it was going to get worse if she didn't take proper rest.

Her skin looked pale, her eyes had red cracks in them and always swam in a pool of warm tears. Her nose just as red as those streaks and her body burned like fire thanks to the stubborn fever.
In short, her whole existence displayed suffering.

Jungkook hated to see her like that, maybe because he considered her close to him after the day she told him she personally feels worried for his studies. If she could care for him more than she cares for other students then he too was allowed to be concerned about her more than normally students are for their teachers.
But what could he possibly do? She didn't even listen to her colleagues, why would she listen to him? Yes, he was different but his words wouldn't have been more important than the other teachers' .

Due to her hardworking nature, students began to respect and love her more, which also included Jungkook's friend Han who had a major crush on her.
So many students gave her roses, chocolates and sweet little notes saying 'get well soon Saem!',  'We hope to see you healthy really soon' on daily basis. Her desk always got filled with beautiful things that screamed how much her students adored her.

Somewhere in her heart, she waited for Jungkook's gift but another part of her knew he wouldn't give anything to her except a smile because of his shy personality. But maybe she was wrong?

Everyone had submitted their homework and as usual he was the last one left. Jungkook got up from his seat to give Yun his homework, he went closer to her desk and placed his notebook down. She smiled at him and he noticed how difficult it was for her to stretch her lips like that. He couldn't help but finally say it though he knew he wasn't the first one suggesting that,
"You should take a leave."
"Jungkook, I know but-"

"I said you should." He didn't let her finish, he knew she was going to offer him a lame excuse just like she had been doing with all other students.
He laid some extra stress on the word 'should' and raised his voice a little but thankfully no one heard it as students were now leaving noisily for their other classes.
Furthermore, Jungkook was somewhat bent over her desk, looking down at her with serious expressions on his face. The distance between them wasn't much and so whatever they said, couldn't he heard by anyone else.

Soon the class got emptied and they were the only ones left there.
Jungkook now stood straight and sighed deeply before beginning to speak,
"Yun, I don't get it. Why would you do this to yourself?" He had his lips apart and eyebrows narrowed out of worry and confusion. It almost felt like he was more done with her cold than she, herself, was.
She licked her lips so that she'd be able to speak a little.
"Since you're not like my other students and I trust you so I won't bore you with a lame reason. I'd tell you the truth, okay?" He hummed signaling her to begin.

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