Reflections. (Part 18)

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Though he was one of the last persons to go to sleep, Jimin woke up before everyone else did.
There were several reasons for this; the early morning's coldness that flooded the lounge and his body, the colder glass of the window stinging his cheek's skin, the other males' snores that reached out to him, and overall his position, in general, he slept last night in i-e; while leaning his side against the window.

His neck hurt and for some time he wasn't able to move it but eventually became successful as Jimin's neck's flexibility is no joke.
He didn't mind waking up first, at all as he had the privilege to open his eyes and immediately be blessed with the sight of grey-ish, foggy yet clear morning sky through the window and then by a peacefully sleeping Yun in an almost the same position in which Jimin himself  just woke up.
The house was filled with dim but natural morning light that seeped through the transparent glasses of windows and from under the doors' small slits. The scent of fresh dew drops on lush green grass soothed his mind, and the only sounds that reached his ears, now, were of the birds chirping somewhere far away and the beautiful almost absent sound of the breaths of the girl right in front of him.

"You've been doing that since last night or what?" Jimin quickly moved his head towards Yoongi who stood on his side observing how he was previously observing Yun.

No wonder the snores weren't there anymore.

"Hyung, I just woke up and.. I wasn't doing anything." Jimin looked yet again towards Yun and then stood up. He didn't want to wake her up so he walked away from her with him.

But didn't forget to pick their mugs up on his way and per promise, he washed them too.

"Anyway, I need to use the toilet, do you know where it is, by any chance?" Yoongi asked him and he looked around in an attempt to find it. He remembered Jungkook using the guest room's washroom last night so he guided him towards it.
After that, both of them had coffee during which they discussed how they didn't have much to do that day (Sunday) either and about the various type of events in the upcoming week.

One by one everyone started to wake up and gathered in the kitchen. Its chairs got occupied by grumpy and sleepy EunMi, Hoseok, Jin and Namjoon while on top of the counter was sitting Taehyung.
Jimin made coffee for all of them and awarded himself with an extra mug at the end.

Around 10:30 Yun also woke up and sleepily walked in the living room where Yoongi was on his phone sitting beside the still sleeping Jungkook.
"Good Morning" Yoongi moved his eyes from his phone's screen towards the girl who was massaging the side of her neck and slightly furrowing her brows in pain,
"You shouldn't have slept there, Yun."
"Its okay, I- I'm used to falling asleep on the couch every other day and doing the same thing to my neck again and again." She smiled sheepishly and he lightly shook his head,
"Take a warm shower, your muscles will relax."
She nodded, "Thank you." And headed towards her room. On her way, she glanced at the small gathering in kitchen, sipping on their coffees and talking about different things that Yun couldn't clearly hear. Not because she was standing very far away; that wasn't the case. But because literally all of them were speaking at the same time and she chuckled wondering how they themselves were understanding each other's words.

Wow. Her kitchen had 6 people in it.
Real people, talking and laughing.
This surely was a rare sight.

She came out of bathroom and surprisingly and suddenly the house was very much quieter than before. She wrapped a towel around her longer section of hair so that the extra water would be soaked and walked out of her room after getting done with the usual small tasks that we have to complete after a shower.

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