Deviation. (Part 25)

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A little distance from a black metal gate with a golden lock on it, Yun stopped in her tracks and so did he when he heard the sound of footsteps disappearing. With a confused look, he turned his face towards the girl who stood there with her eyes wide open, staring at the building in front of her. It made sense to him, she couldn't quite have been able to see the whole view from outside perfectly if they had gotten too close to it, so he erased his anxiety-filled thoughts telling him that Yun didn't trust him enough to go inside with him.

Yun was rich, her father was rarely at home and his hard-work paid off well, but still they were definitely not as much rich as Jungkook had recently become. So it was only normal for her to feel the weird tingling sensation in her stomach informing her of the reality at hand. She knew the look on Jungkook's face was dead serious when he talked to her the day before on the kitchen counter, at 5 in the morning but at the same time, the constant pressure from her brain refraining her from accepting happiness was present there since her life had made her firmly believe the happiness goes away as soon as she touches it.

The building consisted of two floors, coated in white cement or something close to that; giving an old British-architecture appearance to the whole construction, on the right side, was a garden-like place, she assumed, and it was confirmed when Jungkook unlocked the earlier mentioned gate. They walked on a long concrete pathway sandwiched between an iron bar on left side, behind which was the parking space, and plants and trees on the other side.

"We'll come here after seeing the building, okay?" He noticed she kept staring that way.
"Okay." Now she looked straight ahead,  and they stopped at a wooden double-door.

"This is the main entrance, but there's also a door on either side." She hummed while he took the keys out of his pants' pockets. They entered and were welcomed by a hall-sized room. There was a small area consisting of a counter in front and flat plates of wood serving as shelves on the wall behind.

"You can come here to have some food or drinks, there are switches for plugging electrical appliances, etc. In short, you'll come here to make coffee."

"But the room specified for you is upstairs, and I'm guessing you won't choose to leave your work and come all the way down, so in this way, the more lazy side of yours will dominate the 'addict' one." He smiled in content, his plan was going to work pretty well.

"I'm not an addict."

"Exactly how an addict talks." He chuckled and before she could say anything, he stepped forward and showed her the rest of the ground floor and right now, Yun was sitting in one of the two largest rooms of that floor, one of which was for 'writers' and the other was for 'painters.'

Jungkook was in the 'writers' one and he tapped on the glass to get her attention.

"What is this?" She asked referring to the 24 inch tall and basically the same length as that wall's, glass window.

He gave a small push to slide the glass on one side.
"What?" He couldn't hear her before.
"Wow." Though it might have felt weird to see such a long window before, now it felt really unique. He chuckled seeing her reaction.

"When these two rooms were being constructed, Taehyung said to simply build a door between them so as to provide a connection between them and I agreed to that plan." She nodded.

"But then Jimin-hyung, out of nowhere, came up with the idea of this. He said maybe one day a writer sitting beside this window will glance over at a painter or sketcher in the other room, through this glass, and will fall in love." At first, she got impressed by his imagination but then laughed.

"So basically he planned this to make the love-story work that he think is possible to take place here." She laughed more,
"Well, it actually sounds good; two artists meeting like that. I actually hope it happens and this place becomes a major part of someone's life." He rolled his eyes and slid the glass back to block her cheesy prayers from entering his ears.

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