A walk (part4)

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He went back in his room and since it wasn't so cold outside and he thought it wouldn't ever be again, either, he just picked up one of his very few thin sweaters.

He came down and watched how everyone was excited to watch a movie Hoseok held in his hand and for a moment, he didn't feel like leaving but staying and sitting on a couch for 3 hours straight would only have made his backache worse.
He went in kitchen to drink some water. Leaving the glass on kitchen's countertop, he headed outside. He closed the door behind him, took two steps down and was walking in the Sun that shone above his head.

Two or three turns and he couldn't see his house anymore. The trees gave him shade but the warmth wasn't lost completely. The day was beautiful and so were the little leaves on the streets and the side walk.

He soon reached one of his favorite places; a small park, it was peaceful and quiet. The only sound heard there was of the children playing, their cute innocent chuckles. And the very heart-warming sight; their smiling faces.

He sat there on a swing not paying much attention as to why it was empty in the very first place. He saw the light-green grass grow darker, the sunshine was gone and everything wore a darker outfit. He looked up and his eyes met with black clouds everywhere they went.

In the midst of figuring out everything, he got up and decided to return home immediately but soon after he had taken 3 to 4 steps, it started to rain too fast and heavy. Cold and hard drops of rain kept falling on his face with great strength. They felt like small needles; cold and stingy.

The only sweater that he was wearing was now soaking wet. There wasn't a shade in his sight but he was still struggling when unexpectedly, an umbrella was placed between him and the harsh rain drops.

It was a girl who was holding it. She had come from behind and stood to his right side. To fit her under umbrella, without thinking, he moved a bit and now they stood face to face. He could tell she had come to him running, she was breathing heavily. Jungkook has an idea girls can get scared by the loud thunders, causing their breath and heart rate to rise but no, this wasn't the latter case.

He wanted to thank her but he also wasn't planning on opening his mouth any time soon. There was a lot going on and he's not so good around girls.

He needed a moment.

"Are you okay?"
Her voice was lost in the sound of heavy rain and thunder. He couldn't answer, so he simply stood there looking at her, ready to read her lips any moment if she decides to repeat herself -she didn't and he was forced to notice her concerned face; her eyes roamed all over his body from top to bottom, examining his drenched clothes, shoes filled with water, hands shaking due to the cold, even his finger nails turning purple. When she saw wet hair sticking to his forehead, he could see in the corner of his eye, her hand lifted in an attempt to push them away but of course she stopped herself.

He was still staring at her from a very very small distance when she looked up into his eyes. He, obviously, quickly shifted his gaze to the grass on the ground that was now drowning in dirty water, he highly hoped she hadn't minded him staring at her. No, she didn't, who minds 'staring' ever?

A few moments passed and the hope from before had started to get replaced by a firm belief that she'd gotten mad and had decided to leave him alone in the heavy rain but she didn't. He felt an almost wet hand hesitantly touch his. From which the water was still dripping that travelled from the sweater's sleeves to his wrist to fingertips.
It was her, of course, who held his hand and he felt her flinch as she touched him, maybe because his body was really cold. He almost looked right in her eyes asking why she'd do that. Just so you know, this 'almost' wasn't going to leave these two alone any time soon.

She pulled him and started walking. He understood she had held his hand to signal that she wanted him to follow her. She wasn't looking for a shade. Her steps were in a particular direction and her eyes didn't seem to be lost. She knew where the shelter was.

He respected her kindness and her, it gave him a feeling as if one of his hyungs was leading him but of course, no one can be compared to them.

Her steps grew larger and she held his hand more strongly. A shade enlarging in size was, by then, clearly visible to both of them. Well, it wasn't just a shade, it was her house, probably. The gate was open and they entered.
Sigh of relief; she finally let go of his hand. Not that he hated her touch but the fact that it made both of them feel uncomfortable was just so disturbing.

She took the umbrella down and was busy putting it away and he was taking his time to accept the fact that water was dripping from his whole body and her house was getting messed up because of that. Not to exaggerate but if someone had squeezed one of his sweater's sleeve, they would've gotten a whole tub of water out of it, or maybe more.

To apologize and thank her at the same time, he looked up. She was fixing her hair that got a bit wet, probably due to running. The strands of her water-clogged hair rested on her cheeks which she was pushing back. He noticed it irritated her skin. She ran her fingers through her dark brown hair (which was actually light brown and looked darker just because of their dampness) and then turned to him.

Maybe he was staring at her with the look that translated to, 'I said something to you, answer me?'
Because after a moment of confusion, the following words came out of her mouth;
"I'm really sorry, did you say something to me?"

She talks so politely wth?

"I said thank you for helping me. Really you're a, such a kind person." Awkward is the word, right?

"I could see you sitting on that swing in the park from my room's window. I saw the kids running on seeing the dark clouds. However, you never moved. I was- " She felt it right to stop herself right there. He wanted to know what she was going to say but didn't want to force her either. She had helped him. 'Wasn't that enough for me to just shut up and stand quietly being thankful?' Repeated in his mind.

To pull her out of that awkward moment,
"I'm really sorry about your carpet. It got really wet. I- " Her eyes quickly moved to the carpet,
"Ah- its fine, really." She seemed somewhat upset about the carpet and at that very moment he felt so embarrassed.
"Umm, can you follow me, please?" She led him to a room, which he believes was a guest room. It was neat and clean, not a sign of someone living there, sleeping there on daily basis. He walked past her to stand on a mat, placed outside the bathroom's door.

As he let the water drip from his clothes, he began to feel the deep, extraordinarily soothing fragrance of rain falling on Earth. The whole house flooded with it and he couldn't help but take a deep deep breath. It was, maybe heard by her too.

"Wait, I'll bring you a towel." She spoke with her eyes still lowered and turned on her heels to leave the room.

Jungkook stopped her, he felt like he was being a problem, he could see she wasn't comfortable helping a complete stranger so much either,
"You don't need to do that. I'm just gonna head out now."

"But the rain is just as rough as it was 10 minutes ago." She turned back around and held her hand out to point to the window right next to him. She had her brows raised and she looked at him, not into his eyes. She was looking, maybe, somewhere near but not directly into his eyes.

Is she shy, too or is it just me?

Instead of looking outside to check on rain, he focused on the very dim light, shining on her arm, that came through the exact same window she was pointing at. It was the only light but it soon disappeared, too. Probably, more clouds had come to cover the Sun. Her house went dark and quieter.

"I could still go out, I'd really appreciate if you just lent me your umbrella for now. I promise to return it somehow, sometime." He rubbed his hands together.

They were cold, he was cold. And he wanted the decision to be made quickly.

Favorite Student ( Jeon Jung kook ) BTSजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें