Light. (Part 24)

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"What took you so long?" Yun closed the door when both; EunMi and Jungkook had entered the house.
"We had to keep changing our routes.-" he glanced towards EunMi who went straight inside, he bent down to untie his shoelaces.
"Someone posted on Twitter about me being there, there were fans everywhere and I couldn't let them see me with her." He stood up straight and looked at Yun who was standing behind him.
"Right, come in." They stepped inside the living room.

"Yun, lend me your clothes for tonight." She went to her room to wash her face while, she thought, Yun would do what she was told to but soon came back saying,
"I'll just use everything of yours for today." and then went inside Yun's bathroom since it was the only place where all products were. The way she had said that, Yun had a wave of hope run across her body that maybe it was very much possible that EunMi and her friendship will achieve its previous beauty again, her spirits rose high.

"Please have a seat, and excuse me for a minute."
"It's okay, go." He sat down.
Yun put some comfortable clothes for EunMi on the bed so that she'll be able to find them as soon as she comes out.

"Would you like something, Jungkook?"
"Just water." Yun nodded and by the time she came back and handed him a glass of water, EunMi had come out of the room, all changed up.
"Why didn't you come with us? She asked as soon as she sat down at the nearest sofa.
"Uh, I couldn't find you, so-"
"It's okay, we had figured it." He interrupted.
"Speak for yourself, Jungkook. I didn't 'figure' anything, I saw you, myself, leave with -with that guy."
"Hanuel. He's one of my students." Yun cleared her confusions a bit.
"And if you saw me, it means you were nearby. I should've looked better for you, I'm sorry if I worried you."

After that, many of things happened but I'll summarize for you; they sat down and talked, it was revealed that EunMi kept meeting both of them every now and then, separately of course, but didn't mention any of it in front of the other, reason? 'There wasn't any point in doing that.' EunMi answered but in fact, if we think deeply, its possible EunMi did it on purpose, she's someone who has good observation, thus, an ability to look very closely at even little things, she could understand how different people would act in a certain situation at a certain time and it did happen how she had expected it. Neither Yun nor Jungkook asked anything about each other from EunMi ever; they felt it 'too off-track' to mention it themselves if EunMi didn't decide to bring it up first. Now, what was the reason behind this? You know it already.

Due to the time and their rather busy and tiring day, everyone went to bed soon. But were they actually sleeping? I doubt it, because it was very late and Yun had just entered kitchen when she heard footsteps behind her.
"Jungkook?" She asked without looking back.
"You're still up?-" She turned around.
"-You don't look okay, I thought you'd be sound asleep by now." He invited himself in and sat on his favorite and usual chair behind the countertop. Yun looked away, towards the floor, narrowing her brows. She was too tired to make up a fake cause anyway. Besides, it was going to be one day, why not let it be this one?

"I can't-" she took a very small pause, "-there are confusions and question marks in my mind, that just keep piling up more and more." He raised his brows, he didn't expect an answer like that at all.
"Also, my feet and head hurts a bit too much, I can't manage to sleep with this." She turned around to take the coffee jar out of the shopping bag, finally.
"Did you buy yourself a pain-killer?" Her body slightly stiffened remembering things, that spun in her mind religiously, already.
"I- at that time, uh, they didn't have the tablets available."

'That much stuttering and alterations in a single sentence?'

"I'm making coffee, would you like a cup, too?" She hoped the awkwardness would die even before being born again.

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