Continuation. (Part1)

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Are teenagers really that energetic all the time? If he looked back at that day now, he'd almost cringe at his childishness, though that was easier to bear than maturity.
It was weird that two people who didn't even know each other's names had, out of nowhere, decided to start a game. Not only that, they appeared to be playing with great concentration against each other. Weird? No, that wouldn't be the right word, Jimin found everything unnecessary about it.

So out of boredom, he started noticing stuff here and there. And that included the two girls standing just about 4 feet away from him. One of the girl's friend, who seemed to be older than all of them was using her phone continuously for the past 15 minutes with a I-don't-really-care look on her face.
The other, however, looked really worried about what was gonna happen next. Either she's too expressive or too sensitive, he concluded. He didn't think his younger bandmate had noticed any of them, he was sure Jungkook must be too busy from the very beginning to only focus on that one girl with the most loud aura. He's young, after all, he's bound to be captivated by something like that, anything else must seem dull and boring to him.

Everyone else, except the two, were waiting for it to finish already so that they could get back on doing their stuff when a power issue occurred and the game just switched off, a plain black screen appeared in front of Jungkook and that girl. At the sudden event, they didn't move instead they just looked at each other, using the screen, moments before their expressions changed; Jungkook looked really lost in the game with his eyebrows narrowed and teeth clenched inside his mouth, she appeared to be anxious and then suddenly moved and annoyed by what just had happened because the little groan of hers showed nothing but disappointment. After making sure she had rolled her eyes really hard, she stood straight saying,
"No wonder I hated this place."

"You should be thankful it got switched off, in time, before you lost the game terribly." He mumbled stepping back from her and the little game set-up. Thankfully, she wasn't able to hear that, maybe the loud music she listens to, on daily basis, had affected her ears, finally.

When nothing came out of his mouth except 'pointless muttering', like she chose to name it, she decided to leave with her friends. Besides, there wasn't any reason to stay and wait till the power came back, that would've been too extra and time-consuming.

Her friends followed her, only after noticing what expressions did Jungkook had to offer and he didn't do much. He just looked at them leave and then started talking to his friend about something. Soon, the girls were nowhere in the sight. Both of them realized they had been out for quite a long time now, so they decided to head back home, as well.

On their way, they talked mostly about those three girls, there were two reasons behind this discussion, one; the driver wasn't with them, they had all the freedom so they made complete use of it, second; it had been a long time that they had talked about anything new.
Through their conversation, it was revealed that Jungkook hadn't noticed any of the other girls while Jimin even knew the little details.

As expected.

"So what would have happened if she had won? Or even if you had?" Jimin took a turn to left.

- "I don't know. I wasn't the one who started it." The older of the two hummed,
"At first, I found the whole idea of it childish. But it was fun, really. "

- "You weren't even doing anything. How exactly was it fun?" Jungkook turned his upper body to get the bottle of water at the backseat.

"You see Jungkook unlike you, I wasn't so absorbed in a video-game, so that's why." He looked towards him for a second with a smirk on his face before focusing on the road again.

- "Tell me what exactly you found interesting." He said closing the bottle's cap and looking out of the window of the car that wasn't moving so smoothly and caused his short hairs to repeatedly disturb his long gaze at all the things running before his eyes.

"Well, I didn't like the girl who played, she was competitive to the point of being rude. But her friends seemed nice. Especially the one who wore pink dress with tiny white flowers on it. She was, in fact, truly beautiful."
Jimin genuinely smiled while he said this. There was not a single inappropriate thought in his mind, just found that girl really beautiful and different.

Jungkook turned his head back towards him with a confused look. "Uh, yeah. I don't know. I didn't notice the one you're talking about, maybe. But the other one wasn't so bad. If only I could know her, I believe we'd be good friends. She really knew how to play. "

"She did?" He stopped the car at the signal and the other hummed.

"But friends? Yeah, sure." The sarcasm almost dripping from his tone.

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