Chapter 1- First Night

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1st Chapter

"Harry? Wake up son, you're late!" I heard a voice shouting inside my room and by the time I heard the word late, I jumped from the bed. I was late!

"What?!" I picked up the alarm clock and five minutes had passed since the time I should be in class. "Shit!".

"Be careful with the words, Harry!" My mom warned me.

I ran to my wardrobe and picked the first clothes that I saw "I'm sorry, could you please leave so that I can change?"

"I have to go anyway, try to not be late more than you already are." She said, closing the door of my bedroom.


I dressed quickly and, while I was washing my teeth, I heard the front door closing. I wiped my mouth and didn't even bother to comb my hair so, I put on my shoes and grabbed my backpack, thank god I already had everything inside of it.

I went downstairs in five steps, jumping from two in two steps and grabbed the leather jacket. Once I put my foot in the street, a cold wind hit me in the face. How much I regret having taken this coat! I closed the door with the key and ran to school. Five minutes later, I was already passing by the gate and I didn't say 'Hello' to the gatekeeper, which is a thing that I do every day. I had never run so fast in my whole life! I ran through the corridors until I got to my classroom. I stopped to get my air back and then knocked on the door.

"Come in!" I heard the teacher saying. I opened the door and all eyes fell on me, which is one thing that I hate! She glanced at her watch and asked "What is the reason to this 20 minute delay? Usually you are never late!"

I cleaned my throat and answered "Hum, I fell asleep. I'm so sorry, it won't ever happen again."

"I'm so sorry, it won't ever happen again." I heard Louis making fun of me, trying to imitate a girl's voice.

I looked at him and he was laughing, and it was when I saw where the girl next to him had her hand, just over his lower zone. I looked away from them and shook my curls that were already dropping in front of my eyes. When I was walking by their table, I heard the girl laughing, it was so disgusting, and they were doing that in the middle of a class!

I walked to my spot next to Liam and sat there. Niall was just behind us, alone.

One hour later, me, Niall and Liam went to the refectory to have lunch. The refectory food was so bad but, because I hadn't had breakfast, I was so hungry, my stomach hadn't stop making noises during all the class! I guess I don't have another choice than eating this food, or I will collapse any time.

I picked up my tray and put there my food and, as always, Niall filled his tray until he couldn't put anything more in there. I was in line waiting for my turn to come when I saw Louis and other girl doing a porn show to the whole school. I can tell that seeing the person that you like for more than two years, doing a thing like that so everyone can see hurts... it really hurts! But I'm so tired of this shit that the pain is less than it was before.

We had to pass by Louis' table to go to our. Perrie, Danielle and Eleanor were sat at the same table that Louis and his friends were. Eleanor was the worst girl from their group, maybe because it was her the girl who was doing the show with Louis and, to be honest, I never liked her! She's so stupid!

I laughed because of my thoughts, what made Louis look at me. I picked up the juice and the boys were following me to our spot. Seconds later, I found myself in the ground with the tray under my chest. That stupid boy! I don't know why I even like him.

I looked at him and felt tears burning in my eyes. I got up from the floor, and everyone eyes were on me, the biggest part of the people in the refectory were laughing, but Niall and Liam were simply looking at me with pity. I looked at my t-shirt and it was so dirty, and the floor was full of meat and pasta. It was time for the revenge; Louis will pay for everything that he has done to me! Maybe I will regret doing this later, but the revenge will be served up hot.

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