Chapter 7- Madness

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This chapter is for my dear friend Camila !! :D Love you girl !!

Music: California King Bed- Rihanna 

Hope you love it !! :D

Ps: please any mistakes tell us ! :D


After Harry falling asleep, I kept lying there beside him thinking "how did i accept this?" I accepted because deep down i know why i did it , but my explanation is better, he was so vulnerable you could see that in his eyes, and I couldn´t say no, I could never say no to him and wonder why. 

I looked around and saw that Harry was facing me, his face was serene and the moonlight hit his face, i took my hand up there to pull a strand of hair that had fallen on top of his eye, but for some reason I couldn´t get the hand out of his face, his skin was so soft. 

He move, and I pulled my hand way quickly with fear that he woke up, he turned getting back to me again, "Fuck it" i muttered if there was a time to seize the moment and feel Harry this was the time, I crawled up beside him and put my arm around him and pulled him agaisnt my chest, where he still curled over even more and put his arm over mine and for briefly moment i thought he was wake but he didn´t move or speak so I figured he was still asleep, I closed my eyes and fell asleep so scared of the smell of harry´s harir hair that ingrained in my nose and it was an addictive smell, what if i want to be in his arms forever? 

* New Day * 

I woke up and felt a weight on my chest, and I opened my eyes slowly because I had left the blinds open, i saw Harry's hair right in front of my face "Damn" i said softly but it made Harry move up and then he looked at me and his eyes widened in amazement "Good morning" i said with a smile "G-Good morning" he said with a small smile on his face and his cheeks were a pinkish color, and so was there that I realized I had my arm on Harry´s back i pulled out quickly and he rose putting his hands on my chest and sitting next to me "Sorry, um that i woke up on your chest "he said nervous and didn´t even look at me "it's okay " i smiled and stood up "I'll make breakfast, be right back" i said as i left the room "Ok "

But what has just passed! Ican´t stop smiling and i don´t even know the reason, I went downstairs and started making breakfast, i was so distracted that when I turned around I almost drop the plate of pancakes on the floor, Harry was sitting at the table looking at me  "Jesus Harry! Do you wanna kill me?" i said putting the plate on the table "Am I so ugly? And no i don´t want to kill you, but sometimes i wish i could but not right now." he said with a small smile "What? No you aren´t ugly you are far from it!" What the hell did i just said. Harry opened his eyes surprised by my statement if i was surprised of course he would be to "Hm have you been here for long time, I didn´t hear you come in?" I tried to change the subject. "No, I just arrived"  he said. 

But it was a lie Harry was there since Louis  began making breakfast, but Louis was so distracted that he didn´t saw Harry who had come down right after Louis. 

"You look so much better!"  I said sitting down in front of him and started eating "Yes, thank god," he said putting a peace of pancake in his mouth looking at me with his ​​green eyes and then smiled "Don´t do that" I said quickly moving uncomfortably in my chair, that was too good for me to see and resist "What?" He asked confused and did exactly the same thing looking at me with that innocent look, what I would do him (I shook my head to get the thought) "That, don´t do it again," i said nervous if he went back to doing what he was doing i will not contained it and im going to do it right in this table

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