Chapter 24- The Start Of Something New

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Hope you enjoy this little part .. hopefully more will come ! 

Happy reading! Please comment at the end... at least just for us to know you're still here, or leave a vote! *That star up there :)* 



On monday morning, Louis and Harry had school so they had to wake up earlier than the day before.

Louis slept at Harry's and they slept together. They were really enjoying the time they had together, it was the best time of their lives.

To Louis, it felt like someone took away all of the sadness that he felt in the last few weeks when he and Harry weren't together, but now that he knows that Harry is his, he feels like he's the happiest man in the world, which he is!

But it's not only Louis that feels this way, Harry feels it too. When he was with Nick, he didn't feel as happy as he feels when he's with Louis. And talking about Nick, today it's the day. Harry has to talk with Nick and break up with him. Now he wants Louis, just like he always did, so he has to tell Nick what happened.

That morning, Harry woke up earlier than Louis so he got up from bed and went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast for both of them, but not before leaving a kiss on the sleeping boy's forehead.

He grabbed milk from the fridge and poured it into two cups and then he prepared some toasts and cookies for both of them. When he had everything prepared, he grabbed a tray and put everything there, walking to his bedroom where his love was still sleeping.

He opened the door of the bedroom and put the tray on top of the secretary,and then walking into Louis direction to wake up the boy . He started to kiss his forehead and then his eyes, his nose, his cheeks and, finally, his soft lips. Louis started to kiss back, his eyes still closed. When Harry broke the kiss, a smile appeared on Louis' face and he oppened his eyes, seeing Harry sitting on the bed and looking at him with a lovely smile.

"Good morning love, I made us breakfast" Harry said, running a hand throught Louis cheek and smiling wider when the boy put his own hand on top of his.

"Good morning Haz! And thank you!" Louis said with his morning voice.

"No need to thank me." Harry answered and kissed Louis on the lips again before standing on his feet to go grab the tray. He walked to his side of the bed and sat there, putting the tray on his and Louis' lap. "I brought us milk, toasts and cookies. I hope you like it!"

"I'm sure I will babe, thank you!" Louis grabbed his cup of milk and took a sip of it. He knew it was only milk but it felt different, better than the other times he has drinked milk, and that's just because it was Harry who prepared it.

They shared their breakfast, Harry feeding Louis and vice-versa. They looked like a real couple that was so in love, and even if they aren't a couple yet, they will be soon.

After breakfast, they got up and prepared for school, when both of them were finally ready, they left the house and got inside of Louis' car and head to school.

During the ride, Harry turned on the radio and the two of them sang and danced to the music that was passing. They laughed together and made a lot of funny movements while dancing and singing, what made the other drivers that passed by, give them strange looks, specially when they stopped at the tragic lights.

When they finally arrived at school, they got out of the car together and walked inside together.

They were walking side by side when they saw Nick coming in their direction with a smile on his face.

"Harry! Finally you go here! I missed you!" He said when he approached the two boys and gave Harry an hug. Harry didn't hug back and just whispered to Louis an "I'll meet you outside our class" to which Louis just nodded and walked away, trying to find his best friend Zayn.

"What's going on Harry? Why don't you hug me back?" Nick asked with a worried face.

"We need to talk." Was all that Harry said. That sentence made Nick's heart beat faster. Just from that sentence he knew that something was wrong between them.

"What happened babe?"

"Let's go to somewhere else, I need to talk to you." Harry said with a serious face and started walking to the garden outside the building and Nick followed him.

They sat on a bench with a lot of trees surrounding them. There was almost nobody there so they could talk freely.

"Can you tell me now what's happening?" Nick asked, confusion and a bit of anger showing on his expression. He knew that this conversation wasn't good and he didn't want to have it with Harry, but he had to.

"Nick, I think things between us are not working anymore. I mean, you're a lovely guy and you are  a good boyfriend too, but I can't be with you anymore. I'm just not the right person for you." Harry said, looking at Nick in the eyes. He didn't touch in Louis' name because he didn't want Nick to know about them, at least not now. "I'm sure you'll find the right guy to you and he will love you the way you deserve. It's just that person is not me never was, I'm so sorry." Harry said with a sad expression on his face, seeing Nick's face fall.

"But I want you Harry, I don't want nobody else but you." He was showing a sad expression and tears were threatening to fall down his face. "What have I done, Harry?" he said grabbing Harry's hands.

"This has nothing to do with you Nick, you did nothing wrong. This is about me, only me." Harry said and push his hands away from Nick's.

A single tear fell from Nick's eyes and he had his head down. He didn't want Harry to see how he was a mess in that moment. Harry just rubbed his back with his hand and then he got up, facing Nick one last time before going inside of the building.

"I'm sorry Nick." Harry said and walked away leaving Nick there with tears in his eyes.

"I swear to god, if this i because of his stupid little best friend Louis... Get ready Louis, if Harry is not is not gonna be yours either." Nick said with anger in voice and cleaned his eyes. "War is coming boys, get ready." 


WE ARE SOOOO SORRY FOR MAKING YOU WAIT SO MUCH !! We honestly don't know how long it has been, and we apologize for that, but we couldn't write because of school, because neither of us had the time...  but we can't make up that many excuses too, i guess we were jut lazy and out of ideas to write .... we are really strong.

We aren't going to promise regular updates.. it'just hard, I'm in the last year of high school and i have to bust my ass and study a lot if i wanna go to a university (college)-Soraia

SO being that said, we really don't know how many of you deleted or just forgot about our story, but i hope some of you are still here to keep reading .... We don't promise this fic is gonna have that many chapters left .. but we'll see ..

I know it's small, but it's better then nothing right ?

Love Sori and Bárbara xx

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 11, 2015 ⏰

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