Chapter 19- Friendzoned

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No fluff this time... as you see just by the tittle of the chapter ...

Hope you enjoy: 

Crazy in Love- 50 shades of Grey version - Sofia Karlberg


Harry as been in his room all day thinking what he should do that night, he didn't want to stay home and stare at his tv watching something he wasn't even interested in seeing, and that's when an idea pop in his head, he got dressed really fast and left warning his mom that he was going to Louis's and didn't know what hours he would come back with this he left because he knew his mom wouldn't say no since he was going to Louis's.

5 minutes later Harry was knocking at Louis's door and was greeted by Louis mom.

"Oh, hi Harry" Jay said with a smile on her face.

"Hi Jay, i wanted to ask you something" He said with a smile.

"Come on in than" Jay open the door and Harry went to the kitchen with Jay following.

"So what did you wanted to ask me?" she said while she cut some carrots.

"I wanted to know if i could steal Louis so we could go out?" Harry said with a huge smile on his face, his dimples showing and of course Jay would never say no to that, she knew that Harry was a good boy and nothing bad would happend if they went out, and of course she would let  Louis go since she knows her son likes Harry.

"Of course dear, go get Louis than he is in his room" she said smiling.

"Thanks Jay!" Harry smiled and kissed Jay cheek and run upstairs making Jay let a small laugh at the boy happiness.

Harry wanted to surprise Louis so he walk slowly into the room seeing Louis playing FIFA, and he was angry at something because he was cursing at the tv  and Harry had to control his laugh because he found so cute and funny when Louis would act that way, he walk behind Louis and covered his eyes making Louis let go of his controller in front of him and let a little scream, he felt an hot breath against his neck making him shiver he brought his hand go his eyes and touched Harry's hands, the thing that Harry didn't knew was that Louis as soon as his calm down he smelled Harry's perfume and he could have said his name already but what Harry didn't know wouldn't hurt him right, so Louis keep touching Harry's hands, than he touched Harry's arms making the taller lad shiver at Louis touch but he didn't stop the boy with blue eyes in front of him Louis brought him hands to Harry hair, which he loved to touch more than anything he keep his hands for a second and than pulled a little making Harry let a little whine.

"Harry next time you do that, I'm gonna punch you" Louis said taking Harry's hands of his eyes and look at the boy behind him. "What are you doin here?" Louis said and looked back at the game and keep playing.

"Louis! Why did you pull my hair?!" Harry said sitting behind Louis, putting on leg on either side of Louis waist.

"Why did you scare me? Next time just knock" Louis said and tensed when he saw how Harry was. "What are you doing here anyway?" He keep playing and stop when he felt Harry chest against his back and when Harry rest his head on Louis shoulder, why was Harry doing that...

"I'm here because i wanted to know if we go out?" Harry said and took the controller out of Louis hands stopping the game.

"Harry I-I." Louis said looking straight foward.

"No, no! Not in that way!" Harry said picking on what Louis was trying to say. "Just like friends" Harry said but the word friend felt strange between them.

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