Chapter 2- Rage (Part 2)

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Read the Authors note in the end !! :D

Enjoy :DD


When I opened the door, I saw a lot of bags over the kitchen's counter. What the hell is he planning this time? I thought.

I closed the door and headed to my room, locking the door so that I could have my own privacy without taking the chance of Louis walking in my room. I put my headphones, picked up a book and sat on the bed, but I was so tired that I fell asleep seconds later.

I woke up by the sound of loud music playing outside of my room, it came from what seemed to be the living room and, even with my headphones, I could hear it. I got up from the bed and followed the sound of the music to see what was happening and, by the time I was getting closer, I could hear a lot of different voices. People talking, laughing, singing... No, this is not happening! A party?! Louis couldn't have done this, not without telling me first.

I approached the living room and I could see that the place was crowded! People eating each other in one side, others drinking or dancing. We could see everything in there. My eyes were looking for Louis and, when I found him, I saw him talking to 3 girls and smiling like a fool. He probably was trying to convince them that he loved them. Maybe he was looking for a ménage.

I walked until I got to the place where the sound equipment was and turned off the sound of the music, what made everyone look at me and a lot of protests were heard.

"The party is over! You can leave now!" I said determined and with all the strength that I had in that moment. I looked in Louis direction and he was glaring at me like if he wanted to kill me and, after what I did, I believe that he wants to! His hands were closed and his face was red because of all the rage that he was probably feeling in that moment.

"No, the party isn't over yet! If you want, you can stay and keep having fun" He said with a strong tone that we could hear through all the room.

I walked to the kitchen and picked up a glass of water to calm myself and, when I was walking back to my bedroom, I felt someone holding my arm and pulling me against the corridor's hall.

"We need to talk Harry! You don't have the right to do what you have just done!" Louis said, his face was so close to mine that I could feel his breath against my lips and it smell to alchool.

"We have nothing to talk about, Louis! Okay, this is your house, but your mother forbade you from throwing parties or doing whatever involved drinking or drugs, and what do you do? Of course you had to go against the rules!" I said with all the strength that I could find in that moment.

"This is my house and you have nothing to say about that, Harry! Don't mess with me again or next time, something bad will happen to you. I'm warning you!" He threatened me and turned around, going back to the party.

"If you don't stop that party now, believe that, tomorrow, your mother will know about everything!" When I finished my sentence, Louis stopped in the middle of his way to the living room and turned to face me.

"What did you say?" He asked quietly, starting to walk back in my direction.

I started to move backwards, taking small steps, by the time he was approaching me. I confess that I was getting a little bit scared of him, but I had to go over it. "Exactly what you heard".

It was a matter of seconds and he pushed me to my room, closing the door behind him. "It looks like I will have to do this other way" Said that, I was between Louis and the wall, his breath calmer than it was minutes before, but too hot... and it was hitting me on the lips, which was driving me crazy.

"What are you doing, Louis?" I asked, with wide eyes because his body was so close to mine.

Louis put his index finger on my lips so that I couldn't ask anything more and closed the distance between our bodies, in a way that I could feel his lower half leaning against mine. "Shhh, don't say or ask anything, just listen to what I have to tell you." I nodded and he continued. "Well... I know that you're a good boy, Harry and, sometimes, you don't know what you're doing." He approached his lips to my ear and continued, softly. "If you don't tell my mom, maybe you'll get a surprise... who knows? So, show me your good side and don't come back to appear at the party." Louis departed from me, smiled and walked to the door. "Understood?" I nodded and he left the room.

"What were you doing there, Louis?" I could hear what seemed to be Zayn's voice, asking him.

"Nothing. Let's go back to the party!" They laughed and their footsteps disappeared down the corridor.

I was still in shock, what had just happened here? I can't believe that Louis did this, the Louis that hates me! I confess that I was getting no response, he looks so sexy when he's mad, the way our bodies were so close, and the fact that I could feel his lower half against mine... all of this left me a little excited.

I knew that staying in this house wouldn't be good for me so, I picked up my jacket, cell phone and keys, and decided to walk around the city and think about what just happened. When I was walking to the door, Louis looked at me and smiled, a smile like he was trying to tell me 'good boy, Harry', while some stupid girl was basically on top of him, kissing his neck. Disgusting! I opened the door and got out.

As I walked away from the house, I was only thinking about what have just happened to me, but I knew that it had meant nothing to him because, minutes later, he was with another chick on his lap. I was so annoyed with that! And the fact that it bothered me, left me more irritated.

I was walking pass Mc Donald's, when I felt my stomach asking for food and that was when I remembered that I hadn't had dinner and lunch. I'm asking myself how I am still standing. I entered in the restaurant and there were only a few people inside, that's normal because it's too late. I asked for something to eat and took my tray to a table. While I was eating, I thought about that stupid party that I know that tomorrow it will be me who will clean everything, but that won't happen, Louis will clean it all by himself.

What he done doesn't leave my mind for a second, his lips so close to mine. Ugh! Wake up Harry, that's what he wanted, to make you think about that and continue with the party. And, sadly, I fell straight into his trap. It was just for a matter of seconds that I hadn't phone his mother telling her everything but then I remembered that I didn't want to ruin their holidays.

With all of this, it was almost 2 in the morning and I should go back home. I slowly walked out of Mc Donalds wishing that the stupid party was already over. When I was in front of the house's door, I saw that the lights were all off and I couldn't hear anything so I guessed that the party was already over. Thank God! I slowly entered in the house and it was dark, but I could see some things because of the moonlight that was entering through the big window of the living room. As I wasn't feeling like turn on the lights, I walked the most silently that I could to my bedroom and it was when I slipped because of a plastic cup that still had something inside of it. I fell on top of something that scared me because of being soft and it groaned. It wasn't something, but someone... He opened his eyes and it was when I saw that I fell on top of Louis with my legs on both of his sides and my chest against his, so that our faces were so close...

"Fuck!" I whispered.


A/N: We're so sorry! Something happened with the last chapter and it wasn't everything updated so, here you have the part that was left. We apologize!

Also, follow us on twitter for updates of this fanfic and for ints about what will happen in this fanfic: @Bravery_BS

Please, don't hate us ;)

Love, Bárbara and Soraia :)

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