Chapter 8- My Hero

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This chapter is deep my readers !! Hope you don´t kill me ! Big stuff coming just saying *smirks* and that will make you guys want to kill us but hehe :D 

Music: Drunk On Love (audio) Rihanna

Enjoy !!! :D


I walked to the bar and as I entered, i could already feel the heat of the bodies that were there, I walked to the counter and that's when I saw Mike and he looked at me and walked front of me behind the counter "Mike what he said is not true, he just wanted to ruin my night I swear to you it's all lies" i said looking directly into his eyes. "Okay Harry, I believe in you, because as strange as it may seem, I really liked to meet you" He smiled making me smile too.

It was now or never Louis had to disappear from my heart , even tho my heart wished that Louis wouldn´t leave , from now my brain is the one who´s going to work and not my heart, he can have the other half but I'll find another and the part that he has will slowly fade until no longer exists. "What time do you get out?" I said sitting on the bench in front of me and he handed me a beer, which I drunk and then looked at him " In ...(he looked at the clock) one hour, and maybe we can finish what we almost start" he whinked and I laughed and he was meeting other people, I turned my back to the counter and got to see all those people dance happily and for seconds i wish that was me and Louis and- Shut up Harry Louis died for you, he doesn´t deserve your love, you do not want to know him better, he could never speak to you and you wouldn´t care. 

1 Hour Later

I was finishing my third beer when I felt someone touching my shoulder making me look back and soon found the smile of Mike making me smile too "Shall we go?" he said as he grabbed his coat and put it on "Yes" I lift out of that uncomfortable seat and walked by his side and as soon as we left that bar Mike´s hand found mine, at first it was uncomfortable but I had to get used to because Louis´s hand would never be linked to mine even though i wished that would happend some day!

Ugh I really have to stop thinking about him at all costs! We reached the door of the house and everything was dark except Louis´s room, he probably would be having fun with that bitch, it gave me a heavy heart but I just pushed it away and went quietly and walked to my room and Mike came behind me, I didn´t want the same thing to happend again so I locked the door so that if Louis was crazy and walked again it would be closed, I looked back and saw Mike in front of me causing me to jumped back and go agaisnt the door and realized I didn´t hear any noise coming from louis´s room the only noise was of the television but didn´t care. 

Mike put one arm on each side of my head, kissing me differently, I felt his despair, he put on of his hands on my waist pressing with some force crippling me a bit but I said nothing, he guide me to bed, and push me over it hard causing me to hit my head against the headboard "Au! What the fuck Mike!" i said putting my hand on my head and felt a bump already growing,i tried to sit up but Mike sat on top of me holding my arms and i tried to get out of his grip but he didn´t let me and i started to get scared, I looked at Mike and his expression was very different than the one he had which scaring me even more.

"Mike stop" i said trying to be as serious i could be even though i was scared and that's when it occurred to me that i had locked the door fuck fuck fuck! "I don´t think this time your little friend will stop us from doing it" he said with malice in his voice and that's when I realized he just wanted to have sex with me and nothing more, i tried to get out of is grip again but i couldn´t, he was stronger than me which scared me even more and when we walked to the bed he had me taken off my pants,no,no this is not happening, I already felt tears on my cheeks and I was about to call for Louis when he reach next to my ear and said.

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