6.) Extra: Son of Hades

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Raimundo, Robin, Artemis, Megan, Conner, Vanessa, Wally, and Zatanna have decided to head out as they were getting bored of being cooped up in the cave. Everyone decided on going to hang at an arcade in Happy Harbor.

"Ha, beat you again, fratello!" Vanessa cheers, fist pumping the air.

"Ugh!" he groans. "Why are you so much better than me at video games?!"

"Lots of practice."

They turn to see Robin having a dance battle with Wally. Robin being the one kicking his ass. Zatanna is on the sidelines with Artemis, both cheering their boyfriend on. Rai heads over to play on a different game with Megan.

Conner moves up to Vanessa. "You need to show me how to play these games."

She laughs, taking his hand. "Sure, come here."

She introduces him to many different games before a wisp of blue exhales from her mouth. Conner gives her a curious look after seeing it.

"Sorella?" Rai calls out, rushing over to her with Megan right behind him.

"Yeah, trouble is coming," she responds, moving over to the rest of the team. "We have trouble."

"What kind of trouble?" Robin asks, getting serious.

"A ghost related one," Rai responds.

An explosion is heard from outside.

"Phantom and Spook! Come out!" an old familiar voice shouts.

"How did he find us?" Rai asks.

"Who?" Robin asks.

"Techrus," the twins growl.

"Techrus?" Artemis voices.

"Technology mixed with virus," Vanessa informs.

"He's a ghost that has technopathy and electrokinesis," Rai says. "And gets smarter every time we battle him."

"Along with all the normal powers a ghost has," Vanessa says.

"Then let's go take him out!" Wally shouts.

"Not that simple," Rai responds.

"Yeah, we're dealing with a ghost. Fights with ghost villains are a lot different from fighting other villains," Vanessa says.

"We practice with you all the time," Zatanna voices.

"Yeah, that's because we're half ghost which is why you're able to touch us," Vanessa says. "Have any of you ever been able to touch Greta?"

"We haven't practice battled against her," Zatanna says.

"Cause, even though she's not very good yet, she'd still eventually beat you cause you can't touch her," Rai says.

Another explosion sounds off. "Ghost twins! I know you're here! The last spike of your ghost energy was around here!"

"Great..." Vanessa sighs.

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