Secret [VirgilXreader]

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TW // Death


[Your POV]

"Why don't you want to tell them?" I ask and lean over the back of my boyfriend Virgil while he's sitting on his desk.

He turns around to face me and takes my hands. "They'll treat me like a child with its first crush and I don't want that."

"But I don't want to hide that I love you," I say and look at the floor. Virgil gently pulls me on his lap.

"We'll tell them soon, but I'm not ready yet." He says and gently presses a kiss to my forehead.
I kiss him on his lips, and he returns it instantly, quickly deepening the kiss. We break apart after a few seconds and Virgil kisses his way over my jaw to my neck, sucking on my neck and leaving a hickey, before I reconnect our lips.

We kiss for a few more seconds when someone knocks on the door. I quickly jump up and straighten my clothes when the door opens and Patton comes. "Hey kiddo it's- Hello (Y/N), I didn't know you were home from work already."

"Yeah, I just came home a few minutes ago, and now I'm talking to Virgil about something... Uhm... private." I say and try to hide the hickey as good as I can with my hair.

"Alright... Uhm... Anyway, dinner is ready. You can join us if you want to."

"Yeah, just a minute," Virgil says. Patton smiles and leaves the room.
"That was close." I sigh. Opening my bag, I take out my concealer and conceal the hickey.

"I love you (Y/N)," Virgil says.

"I love you too Virgil," I respond, and we leave the room.


"Hello beautiful (Y/N)," Roman says and kisses the back of my hand as we walk into the kitchen.

"(Y/N)! What are you doing here?" Thomas greets me with a hug after he walks in behind us.

"I live here..?" I smile at him as Patton hands out the plates of spaghetti Bolognese.
We make some small talk as we eat and watch a movie afterward.

~ 2 weeks later ~

"Why do you have to go?" Virgil asks and hugs me from behind as I finish packing my bag.

"My mother is really, really sick, Virgil, I told you. And my dad has to work, so I have to help my mom." I explain again.

"How long will you be gone for?"

"I don't know... A few weeks maybe? Maybe a bit longer."

"I'm gonna miss you," Virgil says and kisses my shoulder.

"I'll miss you too," I say and lean further into him.

"(Y/N) your taxi is here," Talyn says as they open the door without knocking, causing them to see Virgil hugging me from behind.

"Oh, Talyn! Uhm... it's not what it looks like." I say and move away from Virgil. Talyn just smirks. "Please don't tell the others. Not Joan, not Thomas, nobody. Pleeeeease?" I beg and Talyn laughs.

"I won't. Now go, or you'll miss your flight."

I quickly peck Virgil on the lips before rushing downstairs. I say goodbye to Thomas, Joan, and the others and jump into the Taxi.

[Virgil's POV]

Talyn just continues to smirk at me. "What?" I ask and they shake their head.

"Nothing. It's just cute." Then they leave the room, leaving me alone in the room of my girlfriend.

~ 2 months later ~

I've been very grumpy lately and that doesn't go by unnoticed.

"What's up with you Virgil?" Roman asks me as he sits down on the sofa next to me.

"Nothing," I mutter.

"But something seems to be wrong with you. You appear to be a lot sadder the last few weeks." Logan says as he too joins me on the sofa against my will.

"I said nothing is wrong!" I say a bit clearer than before.

"Oh... Is little Virgil missing his girlfriend?" Roman asks in a weird voice.

"What girlfriend?" I say and stand up. "You're so annoying." With that, I go to my room.

~ 4 months later ~

"I understand... Yeah... I'm so sorry (Y/N)... Of course, I'll tell them... Sure... Alright. I love you. Bye." The call ends and I sigh. (Y/N)'s mother died, and now she's staying with her dad for a few more weeks. I miss her a lot.

I leave my room and walk downstairs where all the others are. "Uh... (Y/N) just called me. Her... mother died, and she'll stay with her dad for a bit."

Thomas and the others just look at me with wide eyes and I go back to my room.

I close my bedroom door and lay on my bed, craving the feeling of (Y/N) in my arms and missing the feeling of her lips on mine. I also miss all the late-night talks we'd have when she comes into my room after having a nightmare. She would tell me about her childhood while I hold her close...

~ 3 months later ~

Thomas, Patton, Roman, Logan, and I are eating breakfast when we hear the door open. Confused we all go and look to see (Y/N) in the doorway.

"Hey guys." she smiles and pulls her luggage inside. Before the others can react I run to her and smash my lips into hers. She quickly returns the kiss and I savor the feeling that I missed so much.

We pull apart and look at the others who look at us with wide eyes. "Uhm... surprise?" (Y/N) says and giggles.

"How long... what?" Roman asks confused.

"Uhm... Almost 2 years." I say.

"Well, that was certainly a surprise. Did you have breakfast yet? We're eating right now if you want to join." Thomas says. "Welcome home." He adds before ushering the other sides back to the kitchen.

I help (Y/N) bringing her luggage upstairs and pull her into a hug. "I missed you," I say, and she puts her arms around me.

"I missed you too." She says and looks up at me. I lean down and kiss her gently on the lips. She returns the kiss, and soon it turns more passionately. I kiss down her jaw to her neck and leave a hickey.

"Now that they know, you don't have to cover it up anymore," I whisper and wink before pulling a blushing (Y/N) downstairs.

[Originally published: September 14, 2017]

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