Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

We ended up going with Hannah's idea for revenge since she didn't think my idea of writing the word "Ryan's a loser" in the dirt on Ryan's truck wasn't good enough. I thought it was a fantabulous idea, but apparently it wasn't so great since the conversation ended with us choosing Hannah's plan instead and her telling me that she would have to give me lessons on revenge.

"Can you go over the plan one more time?" I asked Hannah, not quite comprehending.

Hannah sighed and rubbed her temples like I was causing her physical pain then repeated her plan, "We walk up to Ryan and tell him that Clair Johnson, the pretty girl he likes, just broke up with her boyfriend, and say that she likes Ryan. Then we sit back and enjoy watching him embarrass himself."

I was still confused, "How is that going to be embarrassing for him if she likes him?"

Hannah rolled her eyes like I was a compete idiot, "Because she doesn't like him. We're going to lie and say she does, but she's actually still dating Kyle and probably barely knows that Ryan even exists so he'll be embarrassed when he gets totally rejected."

"Oh!" I said as I finally understood.

"Play along. Let me do most of the talking," Hannah instructed as we walked up to Ryan who was standing in the lunch line.

"So, Ryan," Hannah began casually. "Are you and Clair a thing now or...?"

Ryan's eyebrows knit in confusion.

"Oh. He must not have heard," Hannah said to me, a smirk forming on her lips.

"Heard what?" Ryan asked, suddenly curious.

"Don't tell him. Let him figure it out on his own," Hannah said quietly to me, but loud enough to make sure that Ryan heard too.

"No, tell me," Ryan demanded.

"Excuse me? You might want to be more polite to the girls who have information that you want," I snapped at him, crossing my arms.

"Sorry. Please tell me?" Ryan tried again, more politely.

"Fine, but I swear, Ryan, if you tell anyone that we-" Hannah got cut off by Ryan waving his hand dismissively.

"Yeah, yeah, I won't say anything," he said impatiently.

Me and Hannah exchanged a look. She nodded at me.

"Alright. We heard that Clair broke up with Kyle and she likes you," I said.

Ryan's eyes widened and his mouth dropped, "Really?"

He glanced at the table Clair was sitting at, chatting happily with her friends.

"Really," Hannah grinned.

Ryan smirked, "Thanks for the info."

We watched as he sauntered confidently across the cafeteria to Clair's table. He took a seat on the bench next to her and slung an arm around her shoulders. She looked like she wanted to push him off the seat as soon as he touched her.

"Man, this is going to be great," I grinned at Hannah.

"Last time he ruins your chance for a date," Hannah said smugly.

Ryan was saying something to her, but of course, me and Hannah couldn't hear it from the other side of the cafeteria. Which was disappointing because audio would have make the show even better.

I watched as Clair's expression quickly changed. She looked disgusted. I watched as the blood drained from Ryan's face. His arm fell from her shoulders.

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