Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

I didn't sleep the night before Cameron was getting taken off of the machines. How could anyone sleep knowing that their brother was going to die the next day? I slept in Cameron's room so I could feel closer to him. The entire night, I talked to God, begging him to wake Cameron up.

The next morning, I was completely exhausted and yet wide awake all at the same time. I quickly threw on an outfit and just laid in cameron's bed until my mom came in.

"It's time to go, sweetie," she said, leaning against the door frame.

The ride to the hospital was quiet. I rolled down my window and laid my head on the edge. I closed my eyes and focused on the cool wind blowing through my hair. When we stopped at a traffic light, I opened my eyes and saw a sparrow perched on a nearby tree. I listened to it chirp it's little song, and just enjoyed the last peaceful moment I would have in a long time.

"We're here," Dad said a few minutes later, bringing me out of my thoughts.

Hannah, Kyle, and Ryan were already in Cameron's room when we got there.

"Hey, guys," I said weakly.

"Hey, Lexi," they all said, trying their best to smile for my sake.

The doctor came in a minute later with a nurse by his side and began to explain, "Okay, everyone, this is how it's going to go."

He looked each of us directly in the eyes before continuing, "Each of you will get ten minutes alone with the patient. Then after you've all said your last goodbyes, we'll take him off of the machines."

He looked me right in the eyes when he said, "I'm sorry it's had to come to this, but I promise that we've tried everything we possibly could try to keep this boy alive, but we cannot do anything more to help him. Now, when we take him off of the machines, it will be completely painless, and he will peacefully pass over within a couple minutes."

I knit my eyebrows together, "Wait. A few minutes? I thought it took longer for people to pass after they're taken off of the machines?"

"Well, usually it does, but you see, your brother's left lung was damaged it the accident so without the tubes giving him oxygen...." the doctor trailed off.

"Oh," I said sadly, understanding.

The doctor quickly said, "So, you should get started. who's going to go first?"

"May I go first?" Hannah asked in a small voice.

When no one objected, the doctor nodded, "Alright. Ten minutes. Will everyone else please exit the room?"

The rest of us followed him into the hallway, leaving Hannah alone with Cameron. On my way out, I heard Hannah start to cry. I wished I could comfort her, but knew that she needed to be alone now.

When everyone was in the hallway, the doctor closed the door behind him and asked us, "Is there anyone who will not be needing to say their goodbyes?"

Ryan and Kyle slowly raised their hands. I could tell they felt bad doing that, but I understood. If it was my friend's brother that I wasn't very close to, I wouldn't bother with last goodbyes either.

Ten minutes later, Hannah emerged from Cameron's room, crying. She ran into Kyle's arms and continued sobbing. He made cooing sounds to try to sooth her and calm her down. I wish done something for her. I felt so bad because I knew that she was so close to Cameron that she was practically losing her brother too.

My parents went in together next. They were in there more like twenty-five minutes, but no one complained. While my parents were in the room with Cameron, Ryan had taken me on a walk outside to get me out of the hospital.

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