Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

I got my first full look at him as I walked up to him after school. He was leaning against the wall by the front doors, waiting for me.

He had a gorgeously tanned body that would make me think he was a Cali boy if I didn't know better. His dirty blonde hair was softly spiked. The tank top he wore showed off his well built arm muscles and if I had to guess, I'd say he had a nice set of abs to go with them. I watched as his soft lips parted into a shining smile when he saw me approaching. His teeth were straight and white, a dentist's dream. There was a sparkle in his light blue eyes.

"Hey, Lexi," Tyler greeted me in that dreamy voice of his.

"Hey there," I smiled.

"I'm ready for the grand tour," Tyler said, spreading his arms out in a big gesture.

"Alright. Let's start with the auditorium. It's right behind you over here, I said, pointing over his shoulder.

I led him into the giant room that contained five hundred red padded seats, like the kinds of seats they use in movie theaters, and a huge stage whose curtains were currently open, making the room seem twice as big.

"This is the auditorium," I spread my arms out wide and spun in a circle, showing off the room. "We come in here whenever we have assemblies or state tests or state test results. we also use it as the theater so we hold plays and musicals in here. Also, concerts for band and choir are held in here."

"Hmm. We had a separate theater and auditorium at my last school. But this is nice," Tyler said as he spun in circles, taking in everything around the room.

Next, I showed him the gym.

"This, of course, is the gymnasium. You know what gyms are used for. Sport games obviously. And also we have all of our pep rallys in here," I told Tyler.

Next I took him to a few other random classrooms and the other main rooms. I also helped him find the quickest path to each of his classes. By the time I'd finished showing him everything, it was almost five o'clock.

"I'd better be getting home," I told Tyler.

"Yeah, me too. Need a ride?" he asked me, swinging his keys around his finger.

"That'd be great," I grinned.

I was expecting some really nice, expensive car, but was instead greeted with the sight of an old, beat up pickup truck. The paint use to blue and silver, but it was now so badly chipped that you could hardly tell. There was now more rust than paint on it, and the truck was also covered in mud.

Tyler opened my door so that I could get in then he got in on his side. The dirt stained seats were covered in really worn down leather, and the carpeting on the floor was ripped up.

"I know she's not the cleanest or newest truck, but she's runs just fine," Tyler smiled, patting the dashboard of his truck.

"Why don't you just get a new truck?" I asked as I clicked my seat belt into place.

"Parents and I can't afford it. I bought this beauty three years ago, and she's been the best truck I could ask for ever since day one," Tyler said as he started the truck and backed out.

"Three years ago? You're a sophomore. How've you been driving for three years?" I asked, confused.

"I legally got my license a few months ago, but I've been driving this ole girl around for farm work for three years," he explained.

"Farm work?" I repeated.

"My dad and I have been farmers our whole lives. We weren't doing so well up in Michigan so my dad moved us down here. Guess he thinks we'll do better on a farm here."

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