Chapter 9

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Today when I walked into class there was absolutely no sign of Julian which was a good thing for me.

I sat down when my sister slid into the seat next to me. "Dang my babe is sick today. He walked home in the rain last night and ended up getting a cold." "Oh boo hoo, he'll be back tomorrow." "Ugh I hate you." She said walking away.

"Yo Morgan did you hear what happened last night?" Khalid asked sliding where Lexi us just gotten up from "No what happened?" "So he told me last night that he went to go impress a girl last night and she ended up breaking his heart so he walked home and ended up getting sick from the freezing rain." "Dang school hasn't even started and everyone already knows this." "Yeah it got around fast."

"Did he mention who the girl was?" "Nope but I'm assuming it was the one in his bed on Saturday." "You're probably right." I laughed knowing that it was the exact same person.

"Well does your sister know he's messing around with other girls?" "Of course she does and that's why she tries to get him to come over all the time. I don't even think she trusts him being at his own house." "Well that's sad but like I said before I'm all good with whatever they have going on."

"I don't. I'm sick and tired of seeing him at my house all the freakin time." "And that's why you need a boyfriend. This time I'm gonna get you a new guy since you and Noah can't stand one another." "Look I'm really not in the mood to start dating again."

"Listen you need someone. I know you don't like being single and it shows." "How?" "Well you're bashing your sister for being with someone so maybe you're just jealous." "I'm not jealous at all and I don't know why people keep saying that."

"Morgan, Mr Gutierrez would like to see you." The teacher said walking towards me. "Do you know why?" "I'm honestly not sure, but you'll find out when you get to his office." "Okay thanks." I said grabbing my phone and backpack.

"Good morning Morgan." "Good morning Mr Gutierrez." "So where's Julian today?" "I'm not sure, I think he's sick." "Well that doesn't help with what I'm about to tell you."

"What's going on?" "So it turns out that next weekend there's a kids soccer tournament that's going on and they need that Friday to set up for it." "Well what about our fundraiser?" "So that's the thing. The only free day really is this Friday." "This Friday?" "Yes"

"What about the next week after that?" "That's when homecoming is." "What about the week after?" "The field is gonna be treated that week."

"So you expect Julian and I to get all of this set up by Friday?" "Yeah I mean you said that you didn't need help." "Well yeah, but that was when it was supposed to be next week."  "Well you better start getting your act together." "Okay thanks." I rolled my eyes walking out of the office.

4 days...only 4 days to plan out a big event and buy all the supplies  and the person that I need the most is upset with me.

"Hey Morgan." Allie whispered from across the hall. "Oh hey." "So you broke his heart huh." "Well not exactly. All I said was that our friendship wasn't the way it used to be and that friends don't sleep together." "Wait you slept with him?"

"Oh man I forgot to tell you." "And how did that happen?" "Well my brother brought me to his house and Nick and Khalid were over, but they went outside with Tanner, Justin, and a few other boys so I was left alone with him. After that we just talked and things escalated quickly."

"What happened to you ignoring him for a little?" "I have no idea, he just got the best of me." "Clearly. I mean all he wanted was to be friends and I'll I want to be is friends. I never saw a relationship coming, I thought we were just just fooling around with each other." "Yeah and he clearly thought the same thing but twisted your words." "I guess."

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