Chapter 1 (morning routine)

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Things u need to know!

(Y/N) your name
(h/c)"your" hair colour
(e/c)"your" eye colour
(f/c) favourite colour
(F/n) friends name
(B/f/n) Best friends name
(S/n) school name
(Your pov)
It was about 5 am
you couldn't sleep, You just lay there in ur bed thinking If You should get up or not, your mum and dad where still asleep so u decided, "fuck it" u said to yourself, you got up and opened your bedroom door, you looked in to the black obis of the hallway, you walked out your room,closing the door behind you
You walked down the creaky stairs, which your dad was to lazy to fix, you rolled your eyes before reaching the kitchen, you felt for the light switch in the darkness until you finally placed your finger on the switch, you turn the light on and proceeded walk to the coffee machine
(Sorry if u don't like coffee😆😅)
You grabbed your favourite cup and placed it on the machine, you pressed the button and watched as it boiled the water.
As you waited for your coffee to pour you walked out the kitchen. "Might as well brush my teeth...I'll probably regret it when I drink my coffee but oh well.." u said quietly before walking to the downs stairs bathroom.
(U can imagine the lay out of the house lol 😅)
You opened the door and turned the light on, and turned the tap on the sink for water, you grabbed your tooth brush and got your tooth paste from the side of the sink, you bushed you teeth and looked in the mirror. "I just wish death was an easy option..." you looked to the blade sitting beside the sink, "I'll be to loud..." you hid the blade in ur PJ pocket and you walked out of the bathroom and walked back to the kitchen.
Your coffee was ready, you grabbed the cup and walked out of the kitchen.
You sat the cup on the radiator beside the front door and threw your (F/c) hoodie on, you grabbed you cup and unlocked the front door, you walked outside and sat down on a rocking bench that was on your porch.
(It's a bench that hangs on the outside ceiling by chains, it doesn't touch the ground)
You smile a little, feeling the cool breeze on your face, you breathe in the cool air and sip on your coffee
(\\time skip//)
It's now 7:43am
You are in your room getting changed.
You decide  to ware
Black leggings with denim shorts
You put on you (f/c) short sleeved top and super dry (trainers/fold down trainers) (u choose)
You grab your (f/c) hoodie and walk down stairs.
"(Y/n)!" Your mum shouts from the kitchen.
"Yeah?" You shout back.
Your mum doesn't answer, meaning come here, you roll your eyes cause you hate it when you mum does that.
"What?" You ask as you walked in to the kitchen and see your dad reading a news paper at the table and you mum standing at the counter.
"Here!" She replies as she hands you a plate with a pancake on it,
"Thanks" you grab the plate and go back though to the living room to eat and watch T.V till you have to go.
(\\time skip//)
It's now 8:14am
You grab your bag and open the front door "bye mum, bye dad!" You shout before leaving the house. You see you best friend (b/f/n) walking up to you. You run and hug them tightly.
"Hey (y/n)!!" The say before hugging you back
You smile widely before pulling away from the hug.
You walk with them to the bus stop and the bus arrives 4 minutes later, you get on and pay, you sit down and (b/f/n) sits next to you. The bus starts driving to (S/N).
But for some reason you felt you were being watched just before you boarded the bus...

I hope you guys like the first chapter!!
I shall up date this book, maybe daily, idk yet
Anyway bye guys love ya all!!!!
I hope there isn't any spelling mistakes!

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