Chapter 27 (guess who's back, back again, im back, tell a friend)

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-Anti's POV-
I woke up before (Y/N) so I decided to leave her sleeping, I quietly got out of the bed and I shoved on my usual ripped jeans and my green and black hoodie.
I leave the room and proceeded to walk down the stairs, to my surprise dark was sitting on the couch, that same angered look on his puss.
I role my eyes and sit down on the opposite side of the couch from him.

-Your POV-
You groan as you open your eyes and rub them.
You sit up and look around the room, you notice Anti isn't beside you, you shrug and get out of the bed, you throw on some clothes and walk down the stairs.
You see dark and Anti sitting on opposite sides of the couch as they sit in silence.
You role your eyes and walk over to them, sitting between them.
Anti gives you the *why the fuck are you sitting near him* look.
You smirk.
"You Ok Guys?".
Anti roles his eyes at you and smirks,
Dark doesn't make eye contact.
You giggle and notice Skylar standing at the back door, she gives you a *come here* look.
You wink at Anti before getting up and walking off .
Anti watches as you follow Skylar outside.
Skylar faces you "I'm telling dark today".
"W-what, why today?" You whisper shout.
Skylar growls "cause I'm sick of feeling scared of how dark would react, anti knows about you being pregnant and I'm scared that someone will tell dark I'm pregnant with his fucking child!" She whisper yells.
You stay silent.
"I'm not a wimp but I'm fearing for my fucking life" she growls.
You sigh "when are you gonna te-" you were interrupted by Skylars reply.
"As soon as he's alone!" She throws her head back in frustration.
You nod "I'll try my best to help ya out" You smile a little.
"Thanks..." she says before walking inside, leaving you alone.
You walk back inside and sit next to Anti on the couch.
Dark gets up and walks out of the front door.
Skylar walks out the front door.

Oh god

This is it

You lay your head on anti's shoulder, he smiles.
Suddenly you feel really sleepy.
"Why, I just woke up" you think as your eyes feel heavy.
You couldn't help but drift off to sleep.
-anti's POV-
I watch as (Y/N) drifts off to sleep, I move her so she laying down on the couch, I get up leaving her sleeping.
-your POV-
You wake up, anti sleeping next to you, you smile and get up, you walk outside.
Skylar standing motionless outside.
"Skylar?, You Ok?" You ask as you approach her.
She doesn't answer she just turns around and walks away, you hesitate but decide to follow her.
She leads you deep into the forest, she then jumps and just within a second her paws hit the ground as she lands, she looks up at you and growls.
"Skylar?, why are you in your wolf form, iv never seen you like this" you say to the wolf standing before you.
She ducks under you making you fall on her back and she starts to run further into the forest, you hook your arms around neck so you don't fall off of her.
She stops at what seems to be in the middle of nowhere, you get off of her and look around, you then look to where Skylar was, she was gone.
You walk around alone.
"Hello?" You ask
You felt like the darkness was grabbing and tugging you at each limb.
You tried to move but you felt your body start to tense up.
The darkness started to climb your body.
You tried to scream but nothing escaped your throat.
"(y/n) you can't hide from me forever"

-your POV-
Your eyes burst open and you scream, you pant heavily as Anti runs over to you.
"(Y/n) what's wrong?" He asks.
You look up at him "it's nothing, just a nightmare"
You reply with glazed eyes.
You get up and walk to the bathroom leaving Anti sitting on the couch very confused.
You lock the door and look in the mirror
"Not this again"

"Why can't you just leave me alone..."

Another chapter complete
Sorry if it's crap
Got writers block T^T
anyway bye guys
Love ya's

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