Chapter 31 (a visit from wilford)

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(Anti's POV)
I couldn't find anything suspicious in Skylars bedroom, I Went down the stairs and saw that (Y/N) fell asleep on the couch, I smirks spreading across my face.

Anti turns towards the door, he walks over to the door and opens it.
"Wilford?" Anti narrows his eyes.
He nods.
"Umm come in, its to dark outside" Anti says as he moves to the side, Wilford walking in.
Anti walks over to (Y/N) and picks her up bridal style.
"I'll be..right back" he says as he walks upstairs.

(Wilfords POV)

I sat on the couch and looked at the tv, some sort of soppy movie was playing.
I role my eyes.
Anti returns and sits at the other end of the couch.
"Why are you here?" He asks.
"I wanted to know if your know where tb went" I ask.
"No I don't, I thought you had a tracking device on her ankle" he replies.
"Yeah, I do, but for some reason it's been turned off, she shouldn't be able to turn it off" I said.
Anti furrows his eyebrows and looks away
"Skylars missing aswell, maybe their together?" He suggests.
"Maybe.." I frown.

(Anti's POV)
I watched as Wilford stood up and walked to the door "if you see her, please let me know" he says before opening the door and leaving the house.

I just sat there, for about 5-10 minutes.
I then get up and walk upstairs, I open the door to (Y/N) and mines room.
She was sitting on the bed.
"You Ok?"  I ask her
She nods "I just threw up".

(Your POV)
I felt terrible.
Anti smirked at me.
I narrow my eyes at him.
He laughs.
I giggle.

Anti moves over to the bed and he sits next to her, he pulls her down and throws the covers over them both.
(Y/N) faces the other way and anti moves up behind her, spooning her.

"I hope Skylars Ok" (Y/N) says in her head.



Lol your probably really confused to why I'm updating this so fast.
It's only because I'm trying to get to the part where (Y/N) is due to give birth, that's when this story will get a bit more interesting

Got any baby names?

Also I'm thinking of doing a story Q'n'A
So if you have any questions please comment on the next

Bye guys
Love ya's

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