Chapter 37 (The Finaly)

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(Time skip)
4 years have passed and the twins are 4 today.
(Anti's POV)
"Ugh" I wake up and look at the clock beside the bed.
"Great, just great, Welp I can't sleep so might as well.." I say to myself.

I get up and go down the stairs to the kitchen I grab the wrapped boxes and bring them through to the living room, putting them on the floor.
I then make myself some coffee and wait for the twins to come running down the stairs.

Sure they're only 4 years old, but ones a full on demon/wolf hybrid and the other a wolf.

I hear pattering above me and I sigh.
"Aaannnd their awake" I rub my eyes.

Lillith and Sam come down the stairs, lillith on all fours and Sam just, levitating.

They stop beside me and I nod for them to go crazy with the presents, they do so.
(Time skip)

Jack, wiishu, mark, Amy, dark and Skylar all show up at the door.

I let them in and they shower the twins with gifts.

"Holy shit guys, their only 4, they don't need the whole of toys r us in here".

Amy and wiishu giggle as they play with lillith and Sam.

Jack and mark laughing as wiishu and Amy squeal over the twins.

I couldn't help but turn my attention to dark and Skylar.

Skylar sitting on the floor looking at the twins from a distance and dark sitting on a chair beside her.

She hated sitting on chairs for some weird reason.

Skylars eye looked glossy and were a light grey colour, I couldn't help but feel bad.

(Time skip)
It's now about 7pm, the twins are demolishing their birthday cake.

Skylar and dark left at 6pm cause Skylar felt uncomfortable.

Tb still visits, but very rarely, now that (Y/N)'s gone missing and Skylars gone insane.

She likes to check up on me and the twins.
Not like I need it or anything.

It's been rough, lillith and Sam ask where their mom is and why she doesn't put them to bed, but what am I supposed to do.

I just feel like crying when I hear lillith say.
"Why momma not tuck in us dada?"
Or when Sam says.
"Why mommy never see us?".

I should of never left her alone for that long, something felt wrong, but I ignored it like a dumbass.

Why, why did I leave her?!.
I scream inside my head so I don't scare the kids, but, Sam looked over at me, like, he knew that I was screaming.

(Time skip)
I'm now in bed, the twins in theirs.
I can't sleep, not without her beside me, her warm body pressed against mines, her soft breathing when she slept.
I miss that so much.

I laugh quietly to myself as I remember her being so stubborn, when she curled up next to me on the couch as we watched Netflix, when she grabbed my wings like she was a child wanting attention.

To Love a demon (AntiSepticEye x werewolf reader)Where stories live. Discover now