Chapter 11 (game night)

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(Your POV)
You woke up at about 6:30am, you noticed Anti had a tight grip on you.
You could here his quiet and adorable snoring as you lay there beside him on the couch.
You decide to get up and get a drink of water, it toke a lot of struggling but you eventually broke free from sleeping Anti's grasp, you quietly walk to the kitchen and grab an empty glass you turn on the tap and fill the cup with water and turn the tap off again, you turn around and Anti is standing right in front of you, you yelp from the fright.
"WhAt ArE yOu DoInG?!" Anti said darkly, "I'm sorry I was just thirsty so I came to get a glass of water" you say to him,
"DiD I sAy YoU cOuLd Do ThAT?" Anti says to you, his Irish accent sounding more demonic by the minute.
"I'm sorry I-" you were interrupted by Anti Crashing his lips agents yours, you couldn't pull away, you caught a glimpse of the shock collar remote in Anti's hand. "IlL hAvE tO pUnIsH yOu..BuT I hAvE a BeTtEr WaY" he removes your shock collar and bares his fangs at you, your ears and tail appear and lower at the sight of Anti's fangs(btw he's still top less).
Anti grins, "nExT tImE yOu DeCiDd To leAvE mE liKe tHaT, yOuR pUnIsHmeNt wIlL bE wOrSe!" He whispers grimly in your (wolf) ear, before he lowly bites down on your neck with his bangs bared. You whimper a little but you tilt your head to the side, allowing Anti to bite down harder, he does so. You couldn't help but enjoy it a little.
A little while later Anti pulls you out of the kitchen and lays you on the couch again." IlL sHocK yOu NeXt TiMe!" He says to you before he lays down and pulls you to his chest. You fall asleep again.
(\\time skip//)
It's about 11:46am when you wake up, Anti wakes up not long after you, "morning cubby~" he purrs in to your ear making you blush "s-stop it!" You growl, Anti smirks before sitting up, he grabs his shirt and walks to the kitchen.
You couldn't help but want Anti to keep his shirt off, but that wasn't going to happen, you sigh before sitting up and looking through the channels on the T.V.
(Knock at door)
You hear a knock, Anti walk to the door (his shits on), he opens the door to see, jack, Mark and dark standing there.
"Hey Anti!, we-I was hoping if we could have a games night tonight?" Jack says nervously.
"Ugh fine" Anti stands to the side allowing them to walk in, he shuts the door behind them and walks of to you.
(Anti's POV)
(Y/N) was sitting on the couch, her ears and tail sprouted from her small body.
I will admit, she's adorable.
I sat down next to her as jack, Mark and dark get comfortable in other seats.
"What do you wanna play?" Jack asks,
I shrug and look to (Y/N), she was looking at a game intensely, I pick it up and see that it's just Dance 4 "this one?" I point to the case, she nods. "Fine" I grown and placing the disk in the console.
(Your POV)
Anti placed the game in the console and you sprung from the chair (xbox) You raised your hand to take control of the Kinect, You choose (f/s) (fav song) and jack and Mark stand up and walk up beside you, taking their places as happy and funky, You chose jazzy, and the songs began.
(Darks POV)
"(Y/N) was really good at dancing........and making Anti blush" I grown to myself, I could tell Anti was staring at her ass for most of the songs, she got 5 stars on all the songs that she, jack and mark danced to.
(\\time skip cause I'm lazy AF//)
(Your POV)
You got to hot so You quickly got changed in to a sports bra and You put a (f/c) hoodie over it but You left it unzipped.
You walked down the stair and sat next to Anti on the couch, all four were playing mario kart. Anti stared you up and down for a second before turn his attention back to the game,You watched.
You walked in to the kitchen to grab a drink and Then walked back through.
Anti and jack were shouting at the screen "hurry up you stupid ass car!!!!" Anti screemed as jack threw his controller agents the wall, You burst out laughing as dark and mark were screaming at each other.
(\\time skip(sos boiiiis)//)
They eventually got bored of mario kart and started playing prop hunt, anti, jack, Mark and You were blowing shit up, dark was slaughtering everything. Jack spawned a sanic and it ran after you "GET CROWBARRED BITCH!!" You screamed as You killed the sanic with a crowbar, everyone else just laughed at you.
(\\time skip//)
You all eventually got bored.
Jack, Mark and dark left and Anti and You fell asleep on the couch again.
(\\Time skip..again//)
You wake up and look around, you notice your in Anti's bedroom. Anti is sleeping piecefully beside you, he's cuddling in to you, you blush noticing that his shirts off again. Your throat started to burn because you need a drink, you didn't dare move though, you felt your neck, you could still feel Anti's bite marks on your soft flesh, you role your eyes and cuddle in to Anti, you could feel a smirk stretch across his face "good girl~" he whispers in to your ear(wolf ear) before you start to drift off to sleep, you could feel Anti grabbing ahold of your tail as you fall asleep.
There ya go
Imma sleep now
R.I.P sanic and jacks controller XD so sad
Love ya's
(1000 words)

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