Chapter 19 (things get awkward)

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(Your POV)
It's been about 6 years now, your now 25 years old.
Your father doesn't let you leave the house.
He has abused you for the time you have been with him.
His drinking problem increasing badly.
Your scared that he might end up sexually abusing you.

You wake up from your bed, same room, same things.
You Listen for your dad outside the door, he was banging on it the night before.
You heard nothing, you opened your door, he wasn't there.
You grab a bag you had packed last night, You notice the shock collar that you had gotten from Anti, it was laying on your bed.
You grab the shock collar and you tightened it around your neck.

You crept down the stairs, seeing your dad passed out on the couch.
You walk over to him and see the front door key in his pocket, you take a deep breath and move your hand towards his pocket.
Hooking the key on your index finger, you pull it from his pocket.
He moves slightly as you pull your hand away.

You unlock the front door, closing it behind you quietly.
You walk down the street, looking for any where you can hide.

You know ''tis a familiar face.
"Jack?.." you mumble squinting your eyes to see better.
He's with Skylar and another girl.
You run up to them.
Skylar turns to you and tears up"WERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN (Y/N)?!" She shouts throwing her arms around you.
"I-i um" you stutter.
Jack smirks.
You stick your tongue out at jack.
"Where have you been?"
Jack roles his eyes, his smirk fading a bit as he stares at the bruises all over your arms and neck.
You hang your head, "I don't want to talk about it.." you frown.
Jack nods his head, the other girl poking her head out from behind him.
You face her, "oh hi there?.." you wave a little.
She smiles and walks up to you, shaking your hand.
"Hi (Y/N), I'm wiishu" she smiles.
"This is my girlfriend" jack smiles as he takes her hand.
Your eyes widen a little as you turn to skylar.
Confusion plastered on your face.
Skylar smiles a little and shrugs.
"Wanna come with us
(Y/N)?, we're going to Anti's house" jack asks.
You hesitate but You nod slowly and start walking with them.
Skylar following behind you.
(Time skip)
You arrive at Anti's house.
Jack opens the door and they walk in.
You slowly walk in after them and close the door behind you.
You turn to jack who is now sitting on the couch beside wiishu, Skylar is sitting on the other couch.
You awkwardly stand at the door not knowing if you should sit down or not.
Anti walks out of the kitchen, he doesn't
know 'tis you as he sits on the couch.
You look over to skylar, she's looking at you while talking to Anti.
You start to feel really nervous, Anti the looks over to you with no emotion and points upstairs.
You grab your bag and walk upstairs.
Skylar following close behind you.

Skylar walks in front of you and opens the room door.
You walk in and Skylar closes the door behind you both.
You sit on the bed and she does as well.
Skylar turns to you. "I'm glad your back......spill it" Skylar narrows her eyes.
"I-" you hang your head.
"My dad said my mum had cancer, I had to go home...she was already dead, my dad abused and lied to me..I was scared and I ran away..." you feel Skylars arms hook around you as you tear up.
"Shh it's ok (Y/N)..I suggest not talking to anyone else about this..things might be awkward but they'll get over least don't talk about it yet.."she replies with sympathy.
You nod your head slowly.
You feel her get off the bed.
"Come down when your ready" she smiles a little as she walks out of the bedroom door, closing the door quietly behind her.
You lay back on the bed and close your eyes.
You fall asleep.
(Time skip)
You wake up and sit up on the bed.
You look around seeing it's really dark.
You walk out the bedroom door and walk down the stairs quietly.
You notice Skylar and Anti sitting on the couch watching a movie, jack and wiishu had left.
You walk back up the stairs quietly.
You quietly walk to the outside of Anti's room.
"Ok I need to know if hes seeing (dating) anyone else..." you think to yourself.
As you try the handle of the door.
It's locked.
You role your eyes and pull a bobby pin from your hair, bending it and picking the lock.
"If he's not with anyone else, I can try and get close to him again.." you think.
you take a deep breath and open the door.
You walk inside the room, closing the room quietly behind you.
You lock the door with the bobby pin again just in case.
You take out your phone using the torch to look around, to scared to turn on the actual light.
You see black and green hoodies laying on the floor, you see his computer desk and chair.
Nothing that could belong to someone else.
You sigh.
Just then you heard Anti mumbling outside the door.
You feel something burn inside your chest as you start to panic.
You look to the computer desk.
You look to the cupboard.
You look to the bed.
The can hear keys being thrown in to the lock on the door.
You dive for the bed, shuffling under it.
You calm your breathing easily.
Your used to this feeling, because of everything that happened with your dad.
The door flies open.
As Anti slouches in to the room, slamming the door behind him.
"Ugh" he grunts.
You cover your mouth as Anti sits on the bed.
You see his hoodie getting thrown to the floor, same with his shirt and pants. (Trousers)
You face the floor as your face turns red.
You hear shuffling around as Anti grabs sweats and a shirt.
You heard him sigh and pick up something from his bedside table.
"Where is your collar
(Y/N)....." you hear him mumble.
You whimper as he pushes down on the button.
You immediately cover your mouth.
"What the fuck?" You hear him mumble as he gets off the bed and gets down on his knees, his eyes meeting yours as he look under the bed....
Sorry for not updating •.•
So much homework DX
Anyway I hope you liked this chapter.
Happy Halloween! ^-^

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