Chapter 25 (more than one confession)

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(Your POV)
You nervously stood in front of Anti, you read his face like a book, you were sure he was getting very impatient.

"Look, this is gonna be hard to explain" you sigh
Anti looked surprised but kept calm.
"What?" You asked him as he started fidget.
"Nothing" he replies making it obvious that he was lying.
You take a deep breath.
*knock Knick knock*
You turn to the door, Skylar slowly walking in.
"(Y/N) I need you for a second" she says looking a bit worried.
You slowly walk out of the room.
"Perfect timing" you sarcastically mumble to yourself.
"I'll tell him later.." you think.
Skylar leads you outside.
"What is it?" You ask as you stop at the door.
"I-.." her eyes widen as she looks like she's looking behind you.
"Nevermind!" She walks off.
"Skylar?" You walk a couple of steps but stop when she disappears around a corner.
You turn around and notice Anti standing right behind you.
"Gah!" You yelp as you get a fright.
Anti stands straight,his eyes like daggers.
"Oh no.." you smile weakly, guilt in your eyes.
"" he closes his eyes.
Your eyes widen.
"Why didn't you tell me that you were pregnant?!" He whisper shouts.
"I..I was to scared to, I don't want you to be angry at me.." you hang your head.
"(Y/N) you should of told me earlier!, you could be in great danger" he growls.
You look up "how?"
He roles his eyes "I'm a fucking DeMoN!" He growls his voice seeming demonic.
"Anti...." you whisper.
He walks off in to the woods leaving you standing at the door.
(Time skip)
"So that's it.." you explain to jack.
Jack sat speechless on the couch beside you.
You feel even worse now.
"..I..I suggest you try and get Anti to except it before you worry about the actual still have 8 mouths or so" he mumbles.
You nods slowly as jack stands up.
"I'll see ya later (Y/N)" he smiles weakly but you could feel the fear in his eyes.
(Time skip)
You are now reading a book on the side of the backdoor pool, you kick your feet gently as there in the water, using your phone light to read the book.
You put your book to your side.
"He's been gone for 6 hours.." you say to yourself.
You pull your feet out of the water and put your shoes on, you walk out of the front door and start walking down the dark path.
You use your phone torch to look around the trees.
You start to know tis several scratch marks in the trees, you start to debate if you should go back or not.
A certain growl alerts you, you look up to one of the trees and see a familiar demon sitting on a branch, his wings draped over the branch.
You narrow your eyes and walk to the tree very slowly, you look up and hug the tree, using you legs to boost you up, you sit on a near branch from anti, he looked like he was sleeping.
You start to feel really cold, why didn't you bring your damn hoodie?!.
You didn't want to leave him so You shift so your back is against the trunk of the tree just like what was Anti was doing.
Your ears and tail spout from your body and you use your tail for warmth.
You let sleep take over your body.
(Time skip)
You wake up in a bed, you sit up and look around.
"I'm back at the house?" You notice Anti sitting on a chair.
The light of morning lightings up the room.
"Next time you decide to sleep on a tree branch without me even knowing, don't fucking fall off of the branch" he says as he drags his hands down his face.
"Sorry.." you mumble.
"It's fine, just think yourself lucky that I had my wings out or you would of been a splat on the ground" he groans.
"Ok Ok" you stand up and walk over to him "spit it out" you narrow your eyes and gold your arms.
He roles his eyes "I'm ok..with it, I might be dangerous..what if the baby is a fucking demon, like me" he frowns as he looks up at you.
"What do you mean by that?" You ask, your arms falling to your side.
"Haven't you seen my outbursts, I can't control myself, it could put you and..the baby at risk, or what if the baby is like me, sudden outbursts!" He growls.
You sigh "well we're just gonna have to find out when it's born.." you sit on anti's lap and wrap your arms around his neck.
He sighs "right.." he opens his arms to you.
You smile and pull him in to a hug, he hugs back.
(Time skip)
You and anti are now laying in the bed, he's spooning you as you read your book, he reads over your shoulder.
"How can you read, it's so...boring!" He whines.
You giggle "stop being a child and stop whining" you close your book and flip around so your facing him.
You smile at him.
He frowns.
"You Ok?" You ask.
" yeah" he mumbles.
You raise your eyebrow
"What is it?"
He pulls away from you and sits up, you sit up as well.
"Anti, whats wrong?" You ask again.
He takes a deep breath.
"This wasn't meant to happen, none of this.."
He replies.
"What?.." you stare in to his eyes.
"I was originally supposed to...use you, for a plan"....
How would you react guys?
Also thank you so much for voting on my chapters I'm so happy your enjoying this book!
I'll be uploading a Christmas special soon (might be next chapter)
Also the Christmas special won't actually go with the story line.
Anyway I'll probably be doing an upload schedule as soon as possible.
I just have so many tests for school before I come off for Christmas XD
Is it weird to say I'm exited for one of the tests X3
Anyway bye guys!
Love ya's 💜💜💜💜

To Love a demon (AntiSepticEye x werewolf reader)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant