Chapter 13 (secrets)

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(Your POV)
You walk out of the bathroom and hear shouting downstairs, you run out your room and sprint down the stairs.
Skylar and Anti are screaming at each other, wilford is reading a book and dark is laughing.
You growl before making  your ears and tail appear, you run between Skylar and Anti.
"Stop!" You shout in Anti's direction, he pauses before eyeing Skylar.
Skylar growls, "I told you we don't get along" she frowns before her ears and tail disappear.
Anti roles his eyes and sits on the nearest couch, dark is now acting like nothing happened.
You groan before your ears and tail disappear.
Skylar walks to the front door and swings it open "(Y/N) you don't understand!, Anti is capable of a lot of things!" She says looking you dead in the eyes before slamming the front door behind her.
You look over to Anti and put your hands on your hips. "What have you done?" You raise your eyebrow.
Anti smirks "Skylar hasn't told ya?"
"No" you reply with annoyance.
"Very well" he roles his eyes, he points to the door "leave assholes" he says as he looks at wilford and dark.
"Ok" dark grunts before walking to the front door, wilford follows, they leave the house.
Anti walks upstairs, you follow him.
You follow Anti in to his room and you sit on the end of his bed.
(His stuff is mostly green and black btw)
Anti grabs his  (green and black) computer chair and pulls in in front of you and he sits down.
You raise your eyebrow, "explain" you say as you lay your chin on your hand.
"Ok, fine" he groans
"Let's just say I kinda fucked up Skylars life, this happened years ago now and I know she still hates me for it, so I act like I don't care" he sighs huffily.
You raise an eyebrow as he speaks.
"I kinda got Skylar to trust me..making her weak minded and she let her Guard down..this was mines and DARKS idea" anti groans.
You narrow your eyes at his words.
"I kinda toke control of her mind with the help of dark" he pauses for a second, "I made her go on a killing spree, I made her kill her family and friends, even witnesses..I made it seem like she was in a dream..I was just a voice in her head for most of it" anti sighs. "I moved her to her room, which is your room now..she woke up, she thought it was a dream...until she ran away, she found out that those people had died the same way she killed them in her "dream", she knew it wasn't a dream and she left" Anti hangs his head.
"She's never gonna forgive me for telling you but I don't care, I HaTe her now, she's a bitch and she ruined my plans" he shouts a little, you jump.
"Wait..." you remembered the dream when you killed your bullies, you tear up "d-did you do I-it to me t-to!?!" You spring to your feet. Anti smirks a little "sorry" he says sarcastically.
You growl and swing open anti's door.
"There's no point in trying to escape (Y/N), I locked the front door" his laugh turning a bit demonic.
You run to your room and slam the door behind you, you lock the door from the inside and push your back against the door.
"Sorry (Y/N) I already told ya, I'm a demon and I can NeVeR Be TrUsTeD!!" He shouts the last words, his voice sounding thick and completely demonic.
You start to cry thinking the worst you look around for something to defend yourself with. "Shit" you found nothing helpful and looked to the bed. "Welp, that's the only option I have right now" you lunge yourself toward the bed and hide under it.
You whimper at every slam you hear at your door, knowing it's probably anti.
With one last slam the door flies open, Anti standing in the doorway.
"DoNt HiDe FrOm Me
(Y/n)" Anti shouts demonically.
You try your best to slow your breathing and stay silent.
Anti smirks and pulls the shock collar remote out from behind his back, "ilL dO iT tHe HaRd WaY tHeN" he laughs insanely.
You gulp getting ready for the pain, you know it will be impossible to stay quiet now.
Anti pushes his finger down on the button, you feel a sharp pain around you neck, you managed to stay quiet but start to cry silently.
"NoT sOrE eNoGh YeT?, VeRy WeLl" he shrugs as he smirks.
You close your eyes tightly.
Anti then turns a wheel on the side of the remote and presses the button again.
You gasp but manage to stay quiet, you use one of your hands to grasp the shock collar that's around you neck, you cry even more making it sound a little louder.
Anti smirks "OnE lAsT tImE?" He turns the wheel that's on the side of the shock collar remote again. He pushes his finger down on the button.
You scream from the pain, Anti had turned it up to its maximum shock power.
Just then a hand grabs your leg and pulls you out from under the bed.
"I kNeW yOu WeRe ThErE, I jUsT tHoUgHt It WoUlD Be FuN!" He laughs demonically as he grasps you by your neck.
You start to breathe heavily.
"I-I-I'm gonn-a -r*gasp" regret this" you cry.
"ReGrEt WhAt?" Anti tilts his head loosening his grip a little.
You close your eyes tightly before forcing yourself forward, your lips meeting his..
What did ya think XD
I'm sorry for not updating for a while, friend issues 🙄
Anyway..I'm thinking of making another book soon
Jacksepticeye x YouTuber reader XD
but don't worry, I'm still going to do this book X3
Bye guys
Love ya's

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